Main » 2017 » May » 22 » Dental Hygiene and Your Dog
10:46 AM
Dental Hygiene and Your Dog

Dental hygiene is an important grooming task since decay can cause pain and trouble eating while introducing dangerous bacteria into your dog’s bloodstream. Thus, you need to clean your dog’s teeth several times a week. Start when your dog is young so it becomes routine. Handle your dog’s mouth so he becomes accustomed to your touch. Watch for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, loose teeth or a bad odor. He may even rub his mouth with his paw or on the floor. These conditions may require medical attention. Act quickly and efficiently when cleaning your dog’s teeth. Use cotton balls or gauze and work up to a doggy toothbrush or a finger brush. Only use dog-safe toothpaste since human toothpaste can be toxic to your dog. Don’t forget to stimulate the gums. And don’t force your dog if he resists. Try another time. Learn more from your vet services in the Lawrence area of Indianapolis, IN.

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