Main » 2016 » January » 22 » Common kitten hazards that may be in your home
5:13 AM
Common kitten hazards that may be in your home

Your home may be perfect for you as it is, but it may need some tweaking for it to become a safe place for a young kitten. This is because cats can be very curious, and kittens are new to the world and are still learning about their surroundings. This means that you will need to keep an eye out for hazards and keep them from your pet. These will likely include small items that your pet could choke on, as well as items that would be harmful if your pet ate them. Keep in mind any sharp items that could hurt your pet and any tight spaces she could get stuck in. Items she could get tangled within, like blind strings, should also be kept out of your pet’s reach. Your local Portland, OR vet clinic can offer additional suggestions.

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