Main » 2017 » May » 6 » Chinchilla basics
11:09 AM
Chinchilla basics

Your family has been getting ready to bring a pet into the household, and you have been enamored with chinchillas for quite a while now. What should you know about them prior to bringing one into your home?

Chinchillas can make a great pet for the right family, but these individuals will need to be able to meet their chinchillas needs properly. They have a long lifespan, and will require daily care. They will need to be in a living space that is temperature controlled, large enough for them to get some exercise in, and offers them a spot to take the dust baths they love so much. Their diet includes lots of hay, as well as some commercial pellets and some produce. Your local Savannah, GA vet can help you care for your pet. Visit this website Westside Animal Hospital for more information.

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