Main » 2016 » January » 26 » Caring for Your Cat's Paws in the Winter
3:45 AM
Caring for Your Cat's Paws in the Winter

If your cat ventures outside in the winter, you’ll definitely want to keep an eye on his paws, but even indoor cats can suffer from cracked paw pads when the temperature is cold outside. Here are a few tips for caring for your cat’s paws in the winter.

If your cat heads outside, trim away excess toe hair that can trap ice, salt, and sand. You may also want to cover your cat’s paws in petroleum jelly before he goes outdoors to help protect his sensitive skin.

When your cat comes back home, spend some time inspecting his paws. Using a damp washrag and wipe away any sand or salt that has collected on his feet.

If you notice that your cat’s paw pads are dry or cracked, consider applying a cat-friendly moisturizer. Your veterinary clinic Muskoka Lakes, ON can provide you with more information.

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