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8:40 AM
Basic Dog Behavior Training

Dog behavior training is different than obedience training. You use obedience training to teach your dog to do certain behaviors usually by command. Examples of obedience commands are sit, stay, come and down. Behavior training is used to teach your dog what you don’t want him to do such as jumping up on people, digging in the yard or begging at the table. The basic process is to deter your dog from performing the undesired behavior and then giving him something appropriate to do. Don’t make a fuss when deterring your dog from inappropriate behavior. Never punish or yell at your dog. Stop the behavior or ignore him. He will soon get the message that the behavior will not be tolerated. Redirect him to something appropriate like a chew toy or insist he sit by you. Be patient and kind while your dog is learning. Learn more from your veterinary clinic in the Lawrence area of Indianapolis, IN.

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