Every cat owner knows the pleasure and pain of kneading. Your cat digs in with her claws over and over. This can be quite painful. Yet your cat is purring and looking for attention. It’s important to understand that your cat’s kneading first started when she kneaded her mother to stimulate milk. Thus she is now passing this nurturing role to you. She also kneads to mark you as her own using scent from glands in her feet. Never yell at your cat or punish her since this behavior is all about loving you. Trim your cat’s nails to limit the damage she can do while kneading. Consider slipping a small pillow or blanket in between your cat’s nails and your lap so she can’t dig in. Enjoy the kneading experience and don’t forget to enjoy this cuddly time and
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Finding presents of dead birds, rodents or insects is kind of gross. Your cat is quite pleased to give you these presents and you should consider it a great honor. She is sharing her prey with you. This action acts as a sign of a successful hunt and inclusion in her hunting party. Cats in the wild will gather extra food to bring to other members of the family. Thus your cat may be ensuring that you are getting enough to eat. These presents can also be a gift in thanks for feeding and caring for her. Do your best to control your emotions and dispose of the present quickly. Bringing you presents is an instinct so never punish your cat when she does. Shouting or waving your arms may inadvertently encourage your cat to bring you more presents. Learn more from your
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Most people will identify as either cat or dog people based on their personalities and attitudes. Cat people match their behavior with the most obvious characteristics that cats are known to display such as curiosity and a willingness to improvise. Cat people often identify themselves as creative and non-linear thinking. Some people like the independent and autonomous attitudes that cats display. However, some cats stress easily and their human counterparts can be anxious, frightened homebodies. The need for lots of alone time is another typical cat behavior that may match a cat person’s behavior. Whether feline or human, this behavior pattern defines a very independent creature. Cats and cat people often insist on ample cuddle time. Thus you should examine your own personality to understand why you are attracted to cats, which can help y
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Gingivitis is a common gum related disease that can occur in cats like the Korat. There are several different causes for the gum disease. The main one is related to a cat’s overall dental hygiene. For instance, cats that don’t have their teeth brushed regularly by the owner or vet can develop a buildup of food and plaque on the teeth and gums. Cats that eat a diet of mostly moist or wet food can develop food buildup easily as well. This is because a crunchy hard food would naturally help breakdown buildup on the teeth whereas moist food does not. Other causes for gingivitis include a general health history. For instance, old age, crooked teeth, crowded teeth, soft food, breathing through the mouth, bad chewing habits, uremia and diabetes, autoimmune diseases, FeLV (Feline Leukemia), and FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) can also lead to gingivitis. Talk with your London, ON veterinary clinic to learn more.
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Your dog needs regular exercise to stay healthy. Exercise helps prevent obesity. It also ensures your dog’s muscles and bones will stay strong and flexible. Regular walks provide exercise while providing time to socialize and bond with you. If you want to make the walks more intense, increase the distance and the pace. However, your dog may resist walking or try to keep the pace very slow. Walk your dog when he is alert and energetic but not overly excited. Start your regular walk but go just a little faster. Call your dog and praise him to keep moving. Keep walking since it could be hard to get him going again. Your dog knows his regular route so try another, longer walk for extra distance. Loops work especially well since your dog will need to walk the rest of the way home from the halfway point. For more information,
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Pet cats can sometimes be aloof but they are still social creatures and are always on the lookout for opportunities to spend time
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Did you know that certain types of Lilies can cause kidney failure in cats when ingested? Some of these Lily varieties include Easter lily, tiger lily, Japanese show lily, rubrum, glory lily
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Your guinea pig needs a variety of foods to keep him happy and healthy. Start with a high-quality guinea pig pellet. Purchase these pellets from a store with high turnover so you know they are fresh. Add fresh leafy greens such as romaine lettuce, spinach or kale plus other crunchy vegetables such as squash or carrots for added nutrition. Small pieces of fruit such as strawberries or apple slices make a nice treat. Your guinea pig’s body can’t manufacture vitamin C on its own so ensure that some of these fruits and vegetables are high in this vitamin. Your guinea pig also needs lots and lots of timothy hay. This hay helps your pig’s digestive system work well and all that nibbling helps keep his teeth trim. And ensure that your guinea pig has access to fresh, clean water at all times. Learn more from your veterinary clinic Pasadena, MD. For more details click h
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Hypothyroidism occurs in dogs in a similar fashion to the way it develops in people. It is a health condition in which the thyroid doesn’t produce enough T4 and T3 hormones. A lack of these hormones causes the metabolism to malfunction and creates symptoms such as seizures, brain fog, hair loss, unusual shedding patterns, lethargy, weight gain, etc. Your dog will need to be examined by your vet for a diagnosis and treatment. There are different causes of hypothyroidism. Those include congenital or inherited/genetic conditions, iodine deficiency, different cancers, side effects of medications, or as a result of an injury, surgery or other trauma. Sometimes identifying the main cause and treating that cause can alleviate symptoms of hypothyroidism. Other treatments may include hormone therapies via injections or oral medications.
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Most guinea pigs stay in a cage with bedding, toys, ramps and a food bowl and water bowl or water bottle. Each area of the cage should be completely cleaned at least once a week. On a daily basis or every other day basis, you should pick the cage meaning use a cat litter scoop to pick out the wet spots and droppings. Replace bedding if needed or just sprinkle fresh bedding on the areas where wet bedding was removed. Check the water bottle multiple times a day to ensure it stays full. You can clean or rinse out the water bottle one to two times a week. The food bowl should be checked for cleanliness as well. Once a week empty the cage completely. Wipe it down. Fill it with new bedding. Wipe down the ramps and toys, food bowl and water bowl or water bottle. For more tips call your Omaha, NE veterinary clin
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Taking a short road trip with your pup? Awesome! Here’s a few ideas and reminders on what you should bring along. First, make sure your pup is wearing a collar with ID tags or he has at least been microchipped. This will help find him should he accidentally get away from you. Next, bring along a towel for your dog or to protect your car seats if he plays in mud or dirt. Pack a water bowl, plenty of bottled water, and snacks for your pup. You may want to pack a food bowl and at least two meal servings just in case you’re gone longer than planned. Don’t forget a leash or two and doggie potty bags to pick up after your pup. Take along any medications your dog may need as well. Don’t forget to store a copy of your pup’s medical records from your veterinarian East Dallas, TX in the glove compartment just
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If you’re looking for a loyal, protective, energetic and playful dog then you may want to check into the Belgian Malinois. This dog is often referred to as the Belgian Shepherd because of his close resemblance to the German Shepherd. The Malinois was originally used as a herding working dog, however, he has become much more versatile. The Malinois is extremely attached to his ‘person’ and is said to build strong, lasting bonds with people. In fact, many of today’s Malinois dogs are used as personal protection dogs. For instance, the U.S. Secret Service uses the Malinois breed to guard the White House. The breed is very trustworthy and confident. He requires regularly exercise and training and thrives on a daily job. Besides protection, the Malinois also enjoys games including agility, tracking, and flyball. If this sounds like a breed for you, talk with your
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Your cat is a big part of your life and you know that she spends a lot of time in your home. How can you make sure she has some fun in this space?
Your pet needs you to offer her a comfortable atmosphere where she can relax. This will help her understand that you are looking after her and that your living space is her home as well. Make sure your pet has lots of ways to play in addition to meeting her regular needs, as this is what she will really enjoy doing in your home. She wants to spend time with you as well, so try to find activities you can all take part in together. This will help your pet not only have some fun and get some exercise through play, but also socialize a bit. For additional information, please contact your local Leesburg, VA veterinarian.
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Your dog needs your help to stay clean since he can’t make sure his fur is free of dirt and debris on his own. This means that you will need to take the time to bathe him regularly. How often should you be doing this?
Your pet needs you to understand that bathing him should be a fun experience for him so he is readily able to experience it. This means taking the time to offer him a bath in a way he will be receptive to. This is particularly important when he is very dirty, as he may need to get cleaned up right away without getting dirt all over your home. Generally, you will want to give your pet a bath any time he needs one. This may mean when he gets dirty outside or when enough time has passed that his coat needs a good washing. For more information, please contact your local Greensboro, NC veterinarian.
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Your dog is a big part of your life and you take great pride in caring for him. How can you make sure his paws are getting the attention they need?
Your dog uses his paws each and every day and needs them to be kept in top shape. However, he can’t do this alone. While he may make an effort to stay out of harm’s way, he needs you to help him with this as well. He may not realize that an area he walked on last night may be too hot to walk over in the afternoon the next day, or that the trail he walked down with booties on will scratch up his paws without them. Looking after his paws and checking them over regularly will help you determine what action needs to be taken to help your pet stay comfortable. For more information, please contact your Oconomowoc, WI veterinarian.
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If you are going to take your horse on a long road trip across state lines make sure you and your horse are fully prepared. Days before you plan to travel, introduce your horse to getting on and off the trailer. This will help him be less nervous on the actual day of travel. You may even want to trailer your horse for a short distance to help ease his nerves and help him adjust to eating hay while moving. If your horse moves around a lot in the trailer, consider buying travel boots to protect his legs. Nervous horses have a habit of moving and bumping into the trailer sides when traveling. Safety helmets are also available for nervous horses that may toss their head in the trailer. Your veterinarian Pickerington, OH may recommend placing the travel helmet on your horse for short am
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Most cat food manufacturers offer a line of foods that support your cat’s dietary needs throughout the various stages in her life. Kitten food has extra protein to support your cat’s developing brain and growing muscles and bones. However, when your cat reaches her first birthday, this kitten food contains too many calories and can contribute to obesity. Thus you need to switch to an adult formula food. This adult food will meet your cat’s dietary needs for most of her life but consider switching to a senior or mature formula food when she shows sign of aging. There are other specialized foods to help manage specific health issues such as hairball control, urinary issues, or weight control. Some of these foods are only available by prescription. Gradually change foods over a period of about a week to avoid digestive issues. Contact your vet Longview, TX to learn more.
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