Your cat is a wonderful part of your life and you really enjoy spending time with him. This means that you are able to have some fun with him when he is in the mood to play. Does he need some new toys to play with?
To determine if your pet needs some new toys, take the time to look at his current options. He may have some favorite toys to play with and these may get a lot of use. Check them over to make sure they are still in good shape. This means that your pet may require some replacements if some of his current toys have seen better days. He may also need some new options if he seems to need some variety in playtime items or he only has a few toys to occupy his time. For more information, please contact your local Teller County, CO veterinarian.
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Your cat is an adorable little fur ball, but the scratches she leaves behind on your furniture are less than cute. Why does she scratch on things?
Scratching is your pet’s way of maintaining her claws. This act can help strengthen them by removing portions that aren’t in use any longer. It can also file them down to a length that your pet can more comfortably manage in addition to helping your little fur ball leave behind some visual reminders of where she considers her territory to be. It’s very important that your pet is offered an area to scratch, like a scratching post, so she doesn’t look toward your furniture and carpeting to meet her needs. There are a variety of these out there, so take the time to find one you think your pet will find appealing. For more information, please contact your local Wake Forest, NC veterinarian.
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Your company may have a special day to take your dog to work. Other companies will allow you to bring your dog to work every day. Before considering either of these arrangements, check that your dog will follow obedience commands and behave in a confined place for an entire day. Verify that your dog will not adversely affect anyone in your work group because they have a dog phobia or allergy. Although you are allowed to bring your dog in, you shouldn’t antagonize your co-workers. Schedule frequent breaks to visit with your dog. Take him out for walks to eliminate and stretch his legs. Arrange your workstation to accommodate your dog with a bed, and food and water bowls. A few fun chew toys can keep your dog busy while you work. Most importantly, enjoy the extra time with your dog and keep it fun. Contact your Des Moines, IA vet to learn more.
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Lizards can adapt to a lot of temperatures as long as they are introduced slowly. For instance, some lizards prefer warm temperatures while others prefer cooler temperatures. It’s important to know what your particular lizard needs most. During the warmer months, keep an eye on your lizard’s tank temperature to make sure he’s not getting too hot or too cold. Adjust heat lamps accordingly. Provide your lizard with lots of fresh water for drinking and bathing or soaking in as well. Keep his tank away from windows since the windows can attract extra heat and sunlight. If your lizard is too hot in one location move him to a cooler spot. Keep him out of direct airflow of A/Cs and fans as too much cool air can cause him to get sick. For more tips on keeping your lizard cool an
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It may be rare to travel with your hedgehog, but if you’re traveling for a short distance or taking a day trip you may want to take him along. If you do, place your hedgehog in a travel size cage so he feels safe and secure. Include lots of bedding for him to burrow in and play in. Bring a food bowl, water bowl and an extra cage side water bottle. Pack food and water for one to two days longer than you will actually be away just in case. Don’t forget to pack cleaning supplies to keep the cage smelling fresh. If your hedgehog has a ball to run inside while out of his cage bring that too so he can exercise. Make sure you pack the cage securely or have someone hold it while driving. If you need additional tips and suggestions for your trip, give your veterinarian Glen Ell
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You have been looking into bringing a hamster into your life for a while now and you want to make sure you are ready for this responsibility before committing to caring for a little fur ball. This makes you wonder – what’s it like caring for a hamster?
Spending time with your hamster means that you will be looking after a little creature who needs you to be happy and healthy. This requires quite a bit of planning and lots of patience, as you will have to meet the needs of this creature day after day. Caring for a pet like this can be very enjoyable because you are able to spend some time getting to know an animal and have fun playing with them in addition to sharing your living space with a furry companion. For additional information, please contact your local veterinar
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You will soon be looking after a cat and you want to make sure you are ready to do so. What should you know about looking after a very curious feline friend?
Your cat will be sharing your living space with you so you will need to get used to the idea of checking things over on a regular basis to ensure she will be safe in the areas of your home that she can get to. You should also interact with your cat often so you will be well aware of her needs and preferences. This will also give you the opportunity to take note of changes in her actions and provide assistance for any issues she may be experiencing right mindful of how your pet spends her time, as she will need plenty of ways to occupy her time so she stays out of trouble. For more information, please contact your local London, ON veterinarian.
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When moving with pets, you should always be ready for last minute problems and hassles on the day of the move. Observing precautionary measures can help prevent any untoward incidents that can affect both the humans and pet members of the pack. While on the road, your dog must be properly restrained. You can use a safety harness that can be attached to a seat belt. A safety harness is designed in such a way that the dog can sit or stand comfortably.
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Captive birds, especially the larger species, should spend at least 1-3 hours outside of their enclosures every day. These timeout sessions are opportunities for physical and mental stimulation. Birds that don’t have regular timeout sessions can become bored and tend to form bad habits in their effort to find ways to burn off excess energy. Smaller species of birds, like finches and canaries, won’t need timeout sessions if they have a spacious enclosure. “Time out” sessions will give
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Your pet may rub up against you when she passes by, or she may specifically seek you out and do the same. Why does she engage in this behavior?
Your pet is a creature of habit and wants to establish her place in this world so others will know to back off from things and spaces she considers to be her own. This is why she rubs against you often and in a few different scenarios. This behavior offers her the chance to put her scent on you by utilizing scent glands in various areas of her body. Many people interpret this behavior to mean that their pet is showing them some affection, and in some ways, this is true. Your pet is showing you that she likes you enough to want to keep you around, and that she wants others to know that you interact with her often. For more information, please contact your local Mt. Pleasant, SC veterinarian.
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