Cats are fastidious and it is easy to train your cat to use the litter box. Thus if she suddenly stops using the litter box, there is something awry. The most common reason your cat may avoid the litter box is that it is dirty. A smelly or wet litter box will push your cat to find a more pleasant but inappropriate place to go. Your cat may feel stressed because there are new family members including new pets, houseguests or the noise of construction in or around your home. Even something as simple as moving the sofa can stress your cat. Be prepared to set up another litter box near where she hangs out as she adjusts to these changes in your household. Your cat may also avoid the litter box because she doesn’t feel well. Make an appointment with your Fort Bragg, NC vet for evaluation and treatment as needed.
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Cats that are not used to being in a moving car may meow endlessly and try to get out of their crate. Some cases of anxiety can become very extreme and the cat may need medication to calm down. But there are also other ways to keep your cats calm during road trips and this requires proper preparation and planning. Pet cats need to be crate-trained as early as possible, long before they have a need for one. The crate is introduced by placing it near a spot that the cat frequents. Make the inside of the crate more inviting by placing your pet’s blanket, a favorite toy or two, and some of his favorite treats. These can encourage him to wander in and spend some time inside. Having something familiar will be comforting to your pet and help keep him calm throughout.
You should seek professional help from your Hyattsville, MD vet if you are dealing with any undesirable behavior of
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Your dog will jump up on people if you encourage him to do so as a puppy. However, it is far less endearing when your dog is at his adult size. Thus you need to discourage him from jumping up and give him something more appropriate to do. Whenever your dog starts to jump up on you, turn around quickly so your dog fails to the floor. Don’t make a fuss but praise him and give him a treat when all four feet are on the floor. Encourage all household members and trusted guests to follow this simple procedure. Never punish or yell at your dog while he is learning. Soon your dog will get the message that jumping up is not appropriate. Anticipate when he will jump up and insist that your dog sit by you. If he is sitting, he can’t be jumping up on people. Contact your Matthews, NC vet to learn more.
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Your dog will jump up on people if you encourage him to do so as a puppy. However, it is far less endearing when your dog is at his adult size. Thus you need to discourage him from jumping up and give him something more appropriate to do. Whenever your dog starts to jump up on you, turn around quickly so your dog fails to the floor. Don’t make a fuss but praise him and give him a treat when all four feet are on the floor. Encourage all household members and trusted guests to follow this simple procedure. Never punish or yell at your dog while he is learning. Soon your dog will get the message that jumping up is not appropriate. Anticipate when he will jump up and insist that your dog sit by you. If he is sitting, he can’t be jumping up on people. Contact your Matthews, NC vet to learn more.
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No matter how diligent you are in cleaning your cat’s teeth and stimulating her gums, she will need periodic professional cleanings. Thus you need to understand what these cleanings are about. Professional cleanings are done under sedation at your vet’s office. Your cat may need some teeth extracted if there is excess decay. X-rays may be recommended to determine overall dental health. cat Antibiotics before and after your cat’s dental cleaning helps with infections and reduces the risk of introducing bacteria into her bloodstream. Pay attention to the aftercare instructions just like any other surgical procedure. Your cat may need pain medication and she may be restricted to soft foods for a few days. Your cat may experience digestive issues and diarrhea for a few days from the medicatio
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Your hamster is always seeking out something to chew on and you’ve noticed that there are a lot of pet supply items that are made for pets like yours to gnaw on. Why is this?
While chewing may be a fun way for your pet to pass the time, it’s also an essential part of caring for himself. This is because his teeth are continually growing. This growth may ensure that he has strong, healthy teeth to use when needed, but it also means that they need to be tended to regularly. Chewing helps to file them down a bit so they don’t get so long that they break and it also rounds out any sharp edges that may be present so your pet doesn’t injure himself while simply trying to go about his day. For more information, please contact your local Anderson, IN veterinarian.
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Your dog is new to your family and you love being able to spend time with her. You’ve noticed that she is still trying to figure out how she fits into your home and where she should spend her time. How can you help her settle into her new living environment?
Your pet doesn’t know anything about your home until she checks it out for herself. This means that she will need to explore a bit. Guide her to areas you want her to spend time in and encourage her to enjoy these spaces by offering her some of her belongings there. This will entice her to revisit them later when she needs to utilize these items. You can also make an effort to include her in your activities so she will be able to get to know you and the rest of the family. For more information, please contact your local London, ON veterinarian.
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