Main » 2018 » July » 12 » Understanding Why Your Cat Brings You Presents
7:32 PM
Understanding Why Your Cat Brings You Presents

Finding presents of dead birds, rodents or insects is kind of gross. Your cat is quite pleased to give you these presents and you should consider it a great honor. She is sharing her prey with you. This action acts as a sign of a successful hunt and inclusion in her hunting party. Cats in the wild will gather extra food to bring to other members of the family. Thus your cat may be ensuring that you are getting enough to eat. These presents can also be a gift in thanks for feeding and caring for her. Do your best to control your emotions and dispose of the present quickly. Bringing you presents is an instinct so never punish your cat when she does. Shouting or waving your arms may inadvertently encourage your cat to bring you more presents. Learn more from your Roanoke VA reputed veterinarians.

Views: 411 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarians Roanoke VA, vet clinic Roanoke VA | Rating: 5.0/1
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