You recently brought a new little fur ball into your life, and you can’t help but want to be there for her. How can you make sure your sugar glider gets enough exercise?
Your sugar glider will naturally want to move, so you will need to make a point to offer her situations where it is appropriate to do this. Think about the space in her enclosure, and make sure she has plenty of room. Provide her with toys that will be fun for her to use as well, so she will have something to do when she wants to be active. Bring her outside of her enclosure regularly to interact with her, and make sure you let her move about in this environment as well. Have some games in mind that you can play together to help get things going. For more information, please contact your local Michigan City, IN vet clinic.
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Being exposed to stressors in their environment can increase a dog’s risk to health issues. Here are important tell-tale signs that your dog is stressed out so you can step in and diffuse the situation.
- Stress caused by other dogs
When a dog feels threatened by a more dominant dog, he displays body postures to show the other dog that he is not a threat or that he is prepared to attack if he is backed into the corner.
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You want to be there for your pet, and you know she needs you day in and day out. This is particularly true now that she is entering into her senior years. How can you address her new needs?
Talk to your cat’s veterinarian so you can determine what changes are likely to happen in your pet and when. This way you can anticipate them and help her cope with them. For example, if you know she is likely to experience mobility issues, you can gradually move her belongings to a more concentrated area and offer her new ways to get to favorite places, like steps to get up onto the couch instead of leaving her to jump up. Be vigilant, and address changes in her capabilities and preferences as you notice them. Your local licensed Webster NY vets can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home.
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Your cat uses her litter box on a daily basis, and you want to make sure it is a place she is comfortable to utilize. How can you choose a litter she will like?
You will want to think about your pet’s tendencies and preferences when choosing a litter for her litter box. Your cat may not like strong smells, and in this case, you will want to stay away from litters that are scented. She may get things caught in her paw pads easily, so you may want to seek out a fine litter with small pieces that won’t get caught there. Whatever her preferences are, try to work with them so she will be encouraged to utilize her litter box when she needs to. Your local experienced veterinarians Webster NY can help you care for your pet.
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You share your home with a furry friend, and you want to make sure she is comfortable in your care. This means keeping her safe, even in ways she may not know about. Would a microchip help you do this?
Microchipping your pet means that you have a professional insert a microchip just under the skin of your pet’s back. You pet won’t know it’s there once inserted, and it is a relatively quick procedure. This chip can be scanned at various places, like veterinary clinics and animal shelters. This will bring up your contact information, allowing the individuals who come across your pet to give you a call. This can be a great way to help your pet get back to you should you become separated at some point in time. Your call your local trustw
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Uroliths (bladder stones) often form in the urinary bladder of guinea pigs, but they can also be found in other parts of the urinary system including the kidneys, ureters, and urethra. Certain conditions create a perfect environment for minerals in the urine to solidify and form bladder stones. The presence of bladder stones can cause pain and discomfort. Irritation of the urinary bladder can lead to bloody urine. Cats with bladder stones may also exhibit the following symptoms:
- Straining while trying to urinate but producing little or no urine
- The fur around the rear end and hind legs tends to be wet
- Abdomen appears swollen and painful
- The cat assumes a hunched-up posture with the back arched
- The cat may groom his rear end excessively
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