Main » 2018 » February » 5 » Should your pet be microchipped ?
10:06 AM
Should your pet be microchipped ?

You share your home with a furry friend, and you want to make sure she is comfortable in your care. This means keeping her safe, even in ways she may not know about. Would a microchip help you do this?

Microchipping your pet means that you have a professional insert a microchip just under the skin of your pet’s back. You pet won’t know it’s there once inserted, and it is a relatively quick procedure. This chip can be scanned at various places, like veterinary clinics and animal shelters. This will bring up your contact information, allowing the individuals who come across your pet to give you a call. This can be a great way to help your pet get back to you should you become separated at some point in time. Your call your local trustworthy pet clinic Webster NY can offer additional guidance.

Views: 407 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: pet clinic Webster NY | Rating: 5.0/1
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