Obesity can lead to mobility issues and put your cat at risk of diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers. Thus it is important to keep your cat at a normal weight. Your cat is most likely fat from a combination of too much food and not enough exercise. Determine the proper amount of calories for your cat and stay within that amount. Include calories from treats in the daily count. Consider feeding your cat a weight control formula food while she is losing weight. Increase your cat’s daily exercise with a planned half hour of active play every day. Use toys to stimulate your cat’s hunting instinct and get her moving. A ball, laser pointer or a fishing rod toy with a feather lure will entice your cat to chase, pounce and jump. Give your cat stuffed squeaky animals or crinkly noise toys to encourage play. For more information, contact your Georgetown, IN veterinarian.Learn more here.
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Your dog may not be a fan of thunder, but this doesn’t mean that he has to be afraid of it. This may be his natural reaction, as he hears a loud noise that sounds threatening and can’t find its source, but you can help him become more comfortable during storms.
To do this, you will need to lead by example. This means making a point to stay calm when thunder comes to your neck of the woods, and showing your pet just how much you don’t mind it. Because he trusts you, this will help calm him quite a bit. You can also offer reassurance as needed in addition to trying to distract your pet from the noise. Consider commercial options as well, like weighted vests, that can help make your pet feel more secure. Your local experienced vets Coon Rapids MN can help you offer your pet
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Your pocket pet is a wonderful part of your family, and you want to make sure you are able to offer her everything she needs to stay safe in your care. What should you do to keep her out of harm’s way?
Your pet needs you to take the time to determine which aspects of your living space need to be addressed. Your pet’s enclosure will need to be placed in an area where others, like additional pets and children, will leave it alone. It should be in an area where it won’t get bumped into, and where it will be a constant comfortable temperature. Make sure your pet won’t have access to any hazardous items, like toxic things, sharp items, or choking hazards, both within and outside of her enclosure. Your local Coon Rapids, MN vet clinic can help you care for your pet. Visit website http://brookly
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Your gerbil is as cute as cute can be, and you really enjoy being able to offer her things that make her happy. This includes treats, but you aren’t exactly sure what you should be giving her.
Gerbil treats are generally thought of as food items that are given in lower quantities for one reason or another. Typically, these area healthy items that may be a bit more calorically dense than her usual food, or could cause another issue if eaten in larger quantities, like digestive upset. Since gerbils can become overweight easily, it’s important to monitor what and how much they are consuming. There are commercial treats on the market and fresh produce can also be offered. Be sure to research items you intend to give to your pet to make sure it will be safe to do so. Your local trustworthy vet clinic Coon Rapids MN
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Your rabbit is a big part of your life because she instantly became a part of your family when you brought her into your household. This means that it’s important to you that she is healthy.
Preventative care can help keep her in great shape as it will help keep particular issues from impacting your pet’s health. This can involve simple things that can make a huge difference in your pet’s overall life. A healthy diet is one way to keep her strong, as is a regular exercise schedule. Keeping her enclosure clean and welcoming to her will help keep her stress levels low and let her know just how much she is loved. Regular visits to her veterinarian will also help keep her as healthy as she possibly can be. For more information, please contact your local Coon Rapid
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