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Your dog is an important part of your life, and you want to help keep her as safe as she can be. How can you tell if she is ready for the freedom a longer leash can offer her?

Your pet may be ready to have some additional space from you when out and about if she has shown you that she can listen well and is comfortable with this space. She needs to be able to come back to you when called, and is responsible enough to make good decisions when faced with new opportunities. However, it is also important to assess the places you will be spending time, as some will call for a shorter leash due to the surroundings. For example, a busy city sidewalk may not allow your pet to enjoy any additional length on his leash. For more information, please contact your local Coon Rapids, MN vet clinic.

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Views: 398 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.16.2017 | Comments (0)

Your family needs a pet sitter, as they need someone to care for your pet when you are out of town. How can you find the right option for your pet?

Many people take the time to seek out someone they know to watch their pet, since they know the individual and it’s likely their pet is comfortable with them as well. Others keep an eye out for a professional who can appropriately meet their pet’s needs at a reasonable price. It’s up to each family to find a pet sitter with the qualifications, availability, and personality they are looking for. It’s a personal choice, but it’s important that they choose someone trustworthy to meet the needs of their pet in a timely, knowledgeable fashion in their absence. Your Conyers, GA veterinarian can help you care for the pets in your home. Click this link to learn more:

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Views: 442 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.16.2017 | Comments (0)

Your dog’s walks are something he looks forward to each and every day. He needs this time to get out of the house and really enjoy himself. How long should you take him out for?

Your dog needs plenty of exercise to stay healthy, and you can offer him a lot of this through his walks. Do some research and talk to his veterinarian in order to determine how much exercise he will need on a regular day. Determine how much of this is realistic to get through your walking schedule, and augment it accordingly. The time you spend walking will likely change often, since each day will bring new things with it. For example, you may need to take two shorter walks instead of one longer one if the weather makes it uncomfortable to be out for a good long while in one stretch. Your Conyers, GA vet clinic can offer additional advice. Or click here:

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Views: 430 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.16.2017 | Comments (0)

Your pet needs you to take care of her at all times, and to take the time to really understand what that means. For example, you understand what your pet needs for flea prevention during the warmer months, but what does she need during the cooler months?

While fleas may be a bit less active during the winter, they don’t cease from activity altogether. Most areas don’t get cold enough for this, and pets are often brought inside where it is warm enough to keep fleas alive and well. This means that your pet may have a slightly lower chance of meeting up with some fleas, but this threat isn’t low enough to forgo flea protection. You should keep up your regular routine to make sure your pet is healthy and flea-free. For more information, please contact your local Floyds Knob, IN vet clinic.

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Views: 376 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.16.2017 | Comments (0)

You will soon have an iguana to share your home with you, and you want to make sure you are there for her each and every time she needs you to be. One care task you will need to master is feeding her appropriate food items. What should you offer her?

Since iguanas are herbivores, you will be feeding your pet a diet rich in plants. This means you will need to find high-quality produce for your pet, wash it thoroughly, and cut it into manageable pieces for your new addition. There are many fruits and vegetables that can be offered to your pet, so keep an eye out for items that would be safe for consumption that would be enjoyable fir her to eat. You can also offer your pet grains from time to time, as well as a commercially made food designed for iguanas. For additional information, talk with your local vet clinic Conyers, GA.

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Views: 406 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.16.2017 | Comments (0)

Animals communicate with each other primarily through body language. Thus you can read your dog better if you know what his different body positions mean. Your dog may seem to act guilty when he tries to shrink away with his tail between his legs. However, this behavior is often misinterpretedand your dog is actually afraid. That perceived guilt is more often a reaction of fear to how you act when you see him doing something bad. If your dog bows with a toy or a stick, he is indicating that he wants to play. A confident dog holds his head high and his tail up. He may puff up his fur and act aggressively to show dominance over you or other animals. Of course, any gnashing of teeth can lead to a bite so you should wait till he calms down before approaching your dog. For more info ... Read more »

Views: 398 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.16.2017 | Comments (0)

Not all turtles hibernate. Some do and some do not. It’s based on their species and their learned behaviors. If you’re not sure if your Spotted turtle hibernates or not, just make sure you have a place set up for him in case he does. For instance, turtles like a hide box so they can burrow into a dark, tight space, away from light and hide or hibernate. Set one or two of these up for your turtle in his tank. If you find that your turtle is using it frequently, he could be using it as a sleeping place. If your turtle goes in for long periods of time then he could be hibernating. Make sure you tell your vet about your turtle’s behavior and keep an eye on your turtle to rule out any health issues. Most turtles will hibernate 10 to 20 weeks during the fall. For more details, contact your veterinary clinic Marion, IA. Click this website Animal Care Hospital ... Read more »

Views: 421 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.16.2017 | Comments (0)

Gerbils are small little rodents that are one of the most popular household pets. Teachers often pick something like a gerbil or a hamster to have as a classroom pet. By doing this, teachers can help children learn to be responsible pet owners by feeding the gerbil, refilling his food bowl, checking and refilling the water bottle, and cleaning the cage. Sometimes the teacher also lets students help pick the gerbil’s name. Popular names for gerbils include Muffin, Muffy, Cloud, Cloudy, Hamtaro, Ace, Beebo, BeeBee, Bonkers, Cutie, Cupcake, Cuddles, Bubbles, Dusty, Frodo, Bilbo, Henry, Harry, Max, Spike, Lucky, Pixie, Ralph, Ruby, Milkshake and the list goes on. If you’re looking for a name for your gerbil, get to know him first and figure out his personality and habits. Your best veterinarian Marion, IA can tell you that this will help finding the best name for your gerbil.

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Views: 464 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.16.2017 | Comments (0)

Have you ever heard your snake make growling noises or some other type of strange noise while he’s sleeping? Your snake most likely is not snoring. They have small nasal passages that prevent this from happening. However, there are some breeds that may have passageways slightly bigger enabling the air going through to vibrate in a similar fashion to snoring. If you think your snake is snoring or he’s making some kind of similar noise, contact your vet as it may be some kind of health problem. It’s very hard for snakes to snore and it’s even harder to tell if snakes are even sleeping. If you watch your pet snake long enough and he’s not flicking his tongue, his breathing is slow, and he isn’t moving and hasn’t been moving for a long time, then he may be asleep. For more information about snakes and their sleep patterns, call your vet Marion, IA.

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Views: 429 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.16.2017 | Comments (0)