Main » 2017 » December » 16 » What to feed your iguana
2:33 PM
What to feed your iguana

You will soon have an iguana to share your home with you, and you want to make sure you are there for her each and every time she needs you to be. One care task you will need to master is feeding her appropriate food items. What should you offer her?

Since iguanas are herbivores, you will be feeding your pet a diet rich in plants. This means you will need to find high-quality produce for your pet, wash it thoroughly, and cut it into manageable pieces for your new addition. There are many fruits and vegetables that can be offered to your pet, so keep an eye out for items that would be safe for consumption that would be enjoyable fir her to eat. You can also offer your pet grains from time to time, as well as a commercially made food designed for iguanas. For additional information, talk with your local vet clinic Conyers, GA.

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