Main » 2017 » December » 16 » Do Spotted Turtles Hibernate in Captivity?
7:12 AM
Do Spotted Turtles Hibernate in Captivity?

Not all turtles hibernate. Some do and some do not. It’s based on their species and their learned behaviors. If you’re not sure if your Spotted turtle hibernates or not, just make sure you have a place set up for him in case he does. For instance, turtles like a hide box so they can burrow into a dark, tight space, away from light and hide or hibernate. Set one or two of these up for your turtle in his tank. If you find that your turtle is using it frequently, he could be using it as a sleeping place. If your turtle goes in for long periods of time then he could be hibernating. Make sure you tell your vet about your turtle’s behavior and keep an eye on your turtle to rule out any health issues. Most turtles will hibernate 10 to 20 weeks during the fall. For more details, contact your veterinary clinic Marion, IA. Click this website Animal Care Hospital for additional information.

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