Main » 2017 » December » 16 » Do Snakes Snore?
4:14 AM
Do Snakes Snore?

Have you ever heard your snake make growling noises or some other type of strange noise while he’s sleeping? Your snake most likely is not snoring. They have small nasal passages that prevent this from happening. However, there are some breeds that may have passageways slightly bigger enabling the air going through to vibrate in a similar fashion to snoring. If you think your snake is snoring or he’s making some kind of similar noise, contact your vet as it may be some kind of health problem. It’s very hard for snakes to snore and it’s even harder to tell if snakes are even sleeping. If you watch your pet snake long enough and he’s not flicking his tongue, his breathing is slow, and he isn’t moving and hasn’t been moving for a long time, then he may be asleep. For more information about snakes and their sleep patterns, call your vet Marion, IA.

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