During the holidays you tend to see a lot more greenery and a lot more red in the doorways and bushes outside of homes. That’s because it’s Christmas and everyone loves to decorate for the season. It’s a time when more plants will make their way onto the porch and you’ll have to keep a closer eye on the pets to make sure they don’t sniff or eat anything that could be dangerous. For instance, the American or English holly plant is toxic to dogs as can English Holly, European Holly, Oregon Holly, Inkberry, or Winterberry. The best way to prevent poisoning is to remove the plants from your home or at least hide them so that your dog or cat will not accidentally get into them and eat or sniff them. You can also talk to your veterinarian Fort Collins, CO and find out what plant alternatives may be used for decoration instead of the traditional holly.
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Your dog is important to you, and you take a lot of time out of your schedule to take an interest in him. This means that you are also looking into different things that may benefit him, like obedience classes. How can you tell if these are right for your pet?
Obedience classes give you the ability to train your pet in a group setting under the instruction of a professional. This gives you a chance to really get to know your pet and motivate him to learn new skills, while still getting guidance from someone who likely has more training experience. They also give your pet the chance to socialize a bit. Take the time to think about your pet’s personality, and determine if this would be a comfortable place for him to learn when determining whether or not to sign up for classes. Your local Sharon, ON vet can offer additional suggestions.
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If your cat is like most, she probably has quite a few toys to choose from. This means she is able to pick and choose what she wants to play with and when. How can you determine what her favorite options are?
Your pet needs you to think about the toys she has and the ones she actually uses. Favorite toys are likely going to see more use than others, as they will be sought out during playtime. They will also be likely to show wear before others do. Your pet likes these toys because they are easy for her to have some fun with and offer her an enjoyable way to pass the time. Things she isn’t sure how to use or prove to be too cumbersome will be abandoned while your pet seeks out other options. Your local vet care Sharon, ON can help you better understand your pet.
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If you own a rabbit like the Rex rabbit then you’ve probably noticed that he tends to lose his hair or shed at different times of the year. This is normal behavior for rabbits as they often shed out old hair in order to grow in a new healthier coat. There is cause for concern if your Rex rabbit is shedding excessively and doesn’t appear to be growing in a new coat or is slow to grow in a new coat. In this case you should contact your vet. Some rabbits are prone to constant or excessive shedding simply because of their coat type. Your vet may recommend that you brush your rabbit daily to help the shedding process and to encourage new growth. Changes in hair shedding and growth can be caused by hormone imbalances, illness or even fighting with other rabbits. Talk with your veterinarian Cherry Hill, NJ to learn more.
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If you own a rabbit like the Rex rabbit then you’ve probably noticed that he tends to lose his hair or shed at different times of the year. This is normal behavior for rabbits as they often shed out old hair in order to grow in a new healthier coat. There is cause for concern if your Rex rabbit is shedding excessively and doesn’t appear to be growing in a new coat or is slow to grow in a new coat. In this case you should contact your vet. Some rabbits are prone to constant or excessive shedding simply because of their coat type. Your vet may recommend that you brush your rabbit daily to help the shedding process and to encourage new growth. Changes in hair shedding and growth can be caused by hormone imbalances, illness or even fighting with other rabbits. Talk with your veterinarian Cherry Hill, NJ to learn more.
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Did you know that you should be brushing your American Curl’s teeth on a daily basis? Your vet can tell you that cleaning your cat’s teeth regularly can help prevent gum disease such as gingivitis. In addition, your cat may need to have a professional teeth cleaning at least once a year depending on her current dental health. Cats in general need to have their teeth cleaned in order to maintain healthy sharp teeth and gums for eating. When learning to brush your cat’s teeth, ask your vet for a veterinarian approved toothpaste and what type of toothbrush he recommends. A child’s toothbrush will do the trick. You can also use gauze to lightly rub over the teeth with toothpaste or without. Cotton swabs may also be used. Some grooming salons will also offer teeth brushing servi
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There are a lot of foods and spices that can be toxic and harmful to pets. Nutmeg is one of them. Nutmeg and cinnamon are known to cause toxicity in dogs if given in large amounts. The holidays are one of the biggest times of the year in which nutmeg is used. Most holiday desserts and side dishes have some amount of nutmeg in them. It’s important to keep your dog away from these foods and to discourage anyone from feeding your pup food from the table. Never assume that the food doesn’t have nutmeg. Always ask whoever made it to be certain. One of the best ways to prevent accidental nutmeg poisoning is to keep your dog at home. Talk with your veterinarian Carolina Forest, SC to learn more ways to keep your dog well and away from holiday poisons. If your dog ingests a large quantity, call your pet poison control hotline.
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Every pet needs a little attention, but different animals need different amounts. Even members of the same species will have different demands for your attention! Here’s how to tell if your cat isn’t getting enough.
How does your cat behave in the evening and in the middle of the night? His behavior is a good indicator of whether he’s getting enough attention and exercise. If he isn’t, he’ll yowl and cause trouble, waking you up in the process.
Most of the time, cats are very good at letting us know when they want our attention. If your cat wants to be petted or scratched under the chin, he’ll jump on your lap or sit at your feet and meow until he gets what he wants.
Click here to learn more about how to spend the right amount of time with your cat, or contact your veteri
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It is not recommended that you paint your rabbit’s nails. Nail care for rabbits mainly consists of ensuring the nails are kept trim and clean. If you want to paint your rabbit’s nails, you may want to ask your vet ahead of time. It would be extremely difficult to hold your rabbit to paint the nails not to mention the rabbit may hop around in its bedding and get paint on the bedding. Still, if you insist on trying, make sure you use a rabbit safe nail polish. For instance, many nail polishes are made with toxic and harsh chemicals. Read the labels and make sure the ingredients do not include Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), Toluene, and Formaldehyde. You may also want to ask a local grooming salon if they have experience painting a rabbit’s nails. If so, go with them and again make sure their nail polish is chemical free. For more details, consult with your vet Cy-Fair. Schedule an appointment today!
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There are plenty of foods out there to feed your Japanese Bobtail cat. Your vet can give you a list of fruits and vegetables that are perfectly safe for cats to eat. If a food item isn’t on the list, check with your vet first before feeding. For instance, do not feed your cat onions. If you’re cooking with onions or onions and garlic, don’t let your cat taste a bite. Garlic, onions, scallions, etc. contain toxins that can damage a cat’s red blood cells if large quantities are ingested. Cats will have to eat quite a bit to cause major damage, but it’s better to avoid them altogether just to be sure. If your bobtail has ingested onion in a large amount, he may show signs of weakness or have dark urine three to five days later. Call your veterinary clinic Rochester, NY immediately if this happens. Learn more
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It may sound strange to you, but please do not feed your Japanese Bobtail molded food. Some people actually save up molded bread and other day old foods to feed their pets including their cats. They think they are saving money and recycling, but molded food is not for pets. Mold can actually be toxic to cats. It has been known to produce toxins called tremorgenic mycotoxins that can cause life threatening illnesses if eaten. If your Japanese Bobtail eats these toxins he could develop body tremors that cover the body and lead to convulsions or even death. If you think your cat may have eaten molded food, call your vet immediately. Make it a habit to keep day old breads, cheese
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Did you know that gerbils have a gestation period of just 25 days? If you think your gerbil is pregnant you can call your vet and schedule a checkup or you can wait it out and find out within 25 days. Waiting it out, however, could be dangerous if your gerbil is sick and not actually pregnant. Better to check with the vet. In general, most gerbils can have around 4 to 6 babies which are referred to as pups. Females can get pregnant as young as 2 or 3 months of age. Make sure you never have two breeding females in the same cage. If you’re not planning for babies, make sure you don’t have a male and female together. If you do, watch out, because gerbils mate year round and you could end up with a large litter. It’s better to keep two females or two males together. For more information, talk with your veterinary clinic Cy-Fair. Set an appointment here: http://mycypressvet.com/
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Do you own a Fancy Mouse? Are you looking to find him the right little Christmas present? No worries, your local pet store and perhaps your local veterinarian office may have just what you’re looking for. For instance, your vet’s office may have a special holiday sale on food or treats for mouse. Or, he could have a sale on vet checkups. There’s no better time to have your mouse in for a checkup then when there’s a special holiday discount on the office call available. If that’s not what you’re looking for though, try the pet store. They probably have special food and treats bundled for the holidays. The Kaytee brand has a great blueberry flavored yogurt dip treat called Yo Dips! Don’t forget you can buy toys or tunnels for your mouse’s cage to keep him happy. For more gift ideas for your special pocket pet, consult with your veterinarian Cy-Fair.
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