A pocket pet that suddenly stops eating, has breathing difficulties, diarrhea, and lethargic may be suffering from a health issue that needs prompt veterinary attention. The sick pet may also isolate themselves from the rest of the pack.
When a rat or gerbil is ill, try not to separate them from the others in the enclosure, except if they appear very ill or is being picked on. Being around familiar company is truly beneficial. Take note that if one of gerbils in the enclosure is ill, there is a high possibility that the others have been exposed to the illness before you notice any signs of illness. Thus, it’s recommended to treat them all even if not all are showing signs o
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The continuing increase in the number of overweight or obese cats has alarmed many experts; in fact, cat obesity has been classified as an epidemic. In most cases, pet owners are not aware that their kitty is gaining weight because changes are gradual and very subtle. In fact, many will only realize that their cat is overweight when they bring them to the vet for wellness checks or other concern. When your cat is diagnosed as overweight or obese, immediate action is necessary to improve your pet’s health. Rapid weight loss in cats can have a serious impact on their health and wellbeing. The program generally includes a decrease in the cat’s caloric intake, increasing fiber or water intake, and increase physical activity. Make sure to work with your veterinarian services Town N Country
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Sneezing is a reflex response of the body in response to an irritant in the upper airways. A puppy that keeps on sneezing regularly should be brought to the attention of a veterinarian. But if it’s only occasional sneezing, here are some tips that will come in handy:
- Avoid overexercising your puppy --If your puppy is sneezing, it’s a good idea to ease up on exercise.
- Confine your puppy in a small crate or a small room such as the bedroom or bath so you can observe his behavior. Confinement can hel
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While there is no absolute answer to this question, experts have forwarded several recommendations that pet owners should be aware of. In cats, regardless of the age of vaccination, the major issue concerning repeated vaccinations is the development of sarcoma as a result of repeated vaccinations. The cancer actually develops near the site of vaccination.
Some experts recommend vaccinating senior cats against certain health issues while there are those that don’t recommend the practice. Those that are pro-vaccination believe that senior cats need it because their immune system are not as effective as they use to, making them more susceptible to diseases. In effect, vaccinat
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The ‘green revolution’ has caused many pet food manufacturers to jump on the bandwagon and get a chunk of their share in the market. Instead of the usual ingredients in pet food, many products now contain exotic ingredients like salmon or bison, that certainly appeals to many pet owners who are looking for something unique and more natural to give to their pets.
Because of the healthy pet food trends, many pet owners are now conscious about the type of food they’re giving to their dogs. They have developed the habit of taking time to read product labels and understand their pet’s dietary needs. Nowadays, people are actually looking for pet food ingredients
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Christmas trees, real or fake, can pose a threat to pets. Before putting up a tree, here are some safety precautions to keep in mind:
Pick the right spot where your Christmas can be enjoyed by everyone without enticing your kitty to climb and play with the ornaments. One way to do this is to secure the tree to the wall or ceiling, away from tables, cabinets, etc. that can serve as a jump-off point for your curious pet. Placing it near an electrical outlet will save you from having an electrical cord run long distances.
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