Main » 2017 » December » 6 » Can I Paint my Rabbit's Nails?
7:19 AM
Can I Paint my Rabbit's Nails?

It is not recommended that you paint your rabbit’s nails. Nail care for rabbits mainly consists of ensuring the nails are kept trim and clean. If you want to paint your rabbit’s nails, you may want to ask your vet ahead of time. It would be extremely difficult to hold your rabbit to paint the nails not to mention the rabbit may hop around in its bedding and get paint on the bedding. Still, if you insist on trying, make sure you use a rabbit safe nail polish. For instance, many nail polishes are made with toxic and harsh chemicals. Read the labels and make sure the ingredients do not include Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), Toluene, and Formaldehyde. You may also want to ask a local grooming salon if they have experience painting a rabbit’s nails. If so, go with them and again make sure their nail polish is chemical free. For more details, consult with your vet Cy-Fair. Schedule an appointment today!

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