Main » 2017 » December » 6 » No Onions for the Japanese Bobtail
5:29 AM
No Onions for the Japanese Bobtail

There are plenty of foods out there to feed your Japanese Bobtail cat. Your vet can give you a list of fruits and vegetables that are perfectly safe for cats to eat. If a food item isn’t on the list, check with your vet first before feeding. For instance, do not feed your cat onions. If you’re cooking with onions or onions and garlic, don’t let your cat taste a bite. Garlic, onions, scallions, etc. contain toxins that can damage a cat’s red blood cells if large quantities are ingested. Cats will have to eat quite a bit to cause major damage, but it’s better to avoid them altogether just to be sure. If your bobtail has ingested onion in a large amount, he may show signs of weakness or have dark urine three to five days later. Call your veterinary clinic Rochester, NY immediately if this happens. Learn more here.

Views: 425 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Rochester NY, vets Rochester NY | Rating: 5.0/1
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