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5:07 AM
How Long are Gerbils Pregnant?

Did you know that gerbils have a gestation period of just 25 days? If you think your gerbil is pregnant you can call your vet and schedule a checkup or you can wait it out and find out within 25 days. Waiting it out, however, could be dangerous if your gerbil is sick and not actually pregnant. Better to check with the vet. In general, most gerbils can have around 4 to 6 babies which are referred to as pups. Females can get pregnant as young as 2 or 3 months of age. Make sure you never have two breeding females in the same cage. If you’re not planning for babies, make sure you don’t have a male and female together. If you do, watch out, because gerbils mate year round and you could end up with a large litter. It’s better to keep two females or two males together. For more information, talk with your veterinary clinic Cy-Fair. Set an appointment here:

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