Main » 2017 » January » 07

Chinchillas are not comfortable with standing water and can become very frightened. Thus your chinchilla will enjoy a sand bath better. Purchase chinchilla sand from a reputable pet supply company. This sand is coarse enough so there isn’t dust that could cause respiratory issues. You can also buy a chinchilla dust bath or use a shallow plastic container. Put an inch or two of sand in the bath or container and place it in your chinchilla’s enclosure. Let him explore the bath and hopefully jump inside and roll around to clean himself. Only leave the container in the enclosure for about 15 minutes so your chinchilla doesn’t use it as a litter box. Keep trying until your chinchilla gets the idea of the sand bath. Some people allow their chinchilla access to the bath several times a week or however often your chinchilla seems comfortable with. For more information, contact your Westside, IN veterinarian. See details ... Read more »

Views: 476 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.07.2017 | Comments (0)

Just like other breeds of dogs, toy breeds have special dietary requirements that depend to a large extent on the lifestage that they are in. When trying to determine how much pet food should be given to your toy breed dog, always remember that the suggested servings you can find on the label of pet food products are just guides. Dogs have different nutritional requirements and appetites, even if they are of the same breed. Weighing your pet regularly will enable you to determine whether he is within the normal health range, or if there is a need to increase or decrease his food intake.

The capacity of their stomach is quite small compared to large breed dogs, thus they benefit from being fed small amounts at regular intervals throughout the day. Their daily ration should be divided into several small meals so they won’t go hungry at any time of the day. They are also pr ... Read more »

Views: 560 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.07.2017 | Comments (0)

Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) is caused by a virus which colonizes and kills the cells of the feathers and beak. Affected birds have compromised immune systems which can increase their risk for developing other health issues. There are many species of birds that have higher risks to the problem, and lovebirds are just one of them.

In addition to being a life-threatening infection, PBFD can increase the bird’s risk for other serious health issues. The virus can easily be transmitted between birds, so a bird that’s ill should be quarantined immediately to protect the other birds. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for PBFD.

Affected birds suffer from feather and beak abnormalities, poor appetite, diarrhea, food regurgitation, and loss of feathers. The upper part of the beak becomes deformed and ... Read more »

Views: 599 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.07.2017 | Comments (0)

Hairballs form when your cat ingests more hair than her digestive system can manage. The excess hair mixes with mucus and saliva and your cat vomits it up in a mass. Better that your cat vomits this hair up rather than the formation of a digestive blockage. Your cat most likely is ingesting too much hair by grooming herself or a companion cat. Brush your cat(s) frequently to remove shedding and any other excess hair. Consider feeding your cat a hairball formula cat food. This food has extra fiber to help your cat’s digestive system pass any extra hair. There are also gels that your cat can lick off your finger or her paw. These gels can be laxatives or lubricants that also aid in passing her along. Check that your cat is actually vomiting hairballs and that she doesn’t have a medical condition that needs prompt attention. Contact your Westside, IN vet to learn more. Click here for details. ... Read more »

Views: 506 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.07.2017 | Comments (0)

Older dogs can develop a number of innocuous bumps and lumps including tumors of the eyelid. These tumors appear to look like a sty or ingrown eyelash so a bump along the eyelid needs to be evaluated by a medical professional. Eyelid tumors can be malignant but in most cases they are benign. This fact sometimes lulls dog owners into putting off treatment. With the case of eyelid tumors, the earlier they are treated, the higher the likelihood for complete recovery. These tumors may require traditional surgery or freezing with liquid nitrogen may manage certain tumors. However, any treatment close to the eye will require sedation. Key to success is early treatment before the tumor itself or the tissue removal effect eyelid function. These tumors are often the result of exposure to sunlight and avoidance and prevention is not possible. Learn more from your Westside, IN veterinary clinic.

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Views: 626 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.07.2017 | Comments (0)