Dental disease can cause pain and your dog may have trouble eating. Continued decay can introduce dangerous bacteria into your dog’s bloodstream and lead to health issues. Thus you need to keep your dog’s teeth clean. Start when your dog is young so teeth cleaning becomes routine. Handle your dog’s teeth and gums so he gets used to it. Clean the teeth with cotton balls or a gauze pad and work up to a doggy toothbrush or a finger brush. Only use doggy toothpaste since human toothpaste can be toxic to dogs. Don’t forget to massage the gums. Work to clean the teeth several times a week. Even with the most diligent of care, your dog will need periodic professional cleanings un
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Your guinea pig needs access to fresh, clean water at all times. A water bottle works better than a water bowl since the bowl can be knocked over easily or contaminated with bedding and droppings. Check that the water bottle is large enough for your pig’s needs and change the water daily. This bottle should have a stainless steel sipper tube with a stainless ball bearing at the end to keep the water bottle from leaking. Hang the bottle on the side of your pig’s enclosure in a spot away from where he normally urinates so he doesn’t get wet and you know whether the bottle is leaking. Hang it low enough that your guinea pig can reach it easily but high enough that it doesn’t touch the bedding since it could leak or become contaminated. Thoroughly clean the water bottle with a bottlebrush during your weekly complete cage cleaning. For more information, contact your Greensboro, NC veterinarian. Or click here:
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Your cat needs daily exercise to keep her happy and healthy. Exercise is important in keeping your cat trim. Obesity can leading to mobility issues, osteoarthritis, diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers. Exercising your cats is a matter of focused playtime and gives you a chance to bond with your cat. Always use toys when playing with your cat to avoid biting and scratching if your cat gets overly excited. Use toys that stimulate your cat’s hunting instincts. A ball, a laser pointer or a fishing rod toy with a feather lure will entice your cat to chase, pounce and jump. Empty boxes or bags act as fun lairs to ambush prey even if it is a squeaky toy. Set aside 15 to 20 of dedicated exercise time for your cat every day. Catnip can also amp up the playtime routine to a fevered pitch. Most importantly, keep things fun. Learn more from your veterinarian Greensboro, NC.
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A fat dog is not a happy dog. He is prone to mobility issues and osteoarthritis plus at a higher risk of chronic health issues such as diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers. Your dog is most likely fat because of a combination of too much food and not enough exercise. Determine the proper daily calorie count for your dog and use portion control to stay within that number. Consider feeding your dog a weight control food so your dog feels full while losing weight. Give him carrots or beans or another vegetable for snacks. Add exercise to your dog’s daily regimen. Walks and hikes are great exercise. Start out slow and increase the distance and pace as your dog gets into shape. Don’t forget a romp in the dog park or your yard. Anything that feels like play and keeps your dog moving. Call your vet Greensboro, NC to learn more.
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