Main » 2017 » January » 7 » Eyelid Tumors in Dogs
3:43 AM
Eyelid Tumors in Dogs

Older dogs can develop a number of innocuous bumps and lumps including tumors of the eyelid. These tumors appear to look like a sty or ingrown eyelash so a bump along the eyelid needs to be evaluated by a medical professional. Eyelid tumors can be malignant but in most cases they are benign. This fact sometimes lulls dog owners into putting off treatment. With the case of eyelid tumors, the earlier they are treated, the higher the likelihood for complete recovery. These tumors may require traditional surgery or freezing with liquid nitrogen may manage certain tumors. However, any treatment close to the eye will require sedation. Key to success is early treatment before the tumor itself or the tissue removal effect eyelid function. These tumors are often the result of exposure to sunlight and avoidance and prevention is not possible. Learn more from your Westside, IN veterinary clinic.

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