Main » 2017 » January » 24

Cats often do better in pairs but there is a challenge in introducing a new cat to your resident cat. Set up a separate area for the new cat. Include a litter box, feeding/drinking station, a bed and some toys. Start feeding the cats at the same time on opposite sides of the door so they get used to the smell and presence of the other cat. Switch a few items between the cats such as beds, blankets or toys for more intermingling of scents. Lock up the resident cat on occasion and allow the new cat to get familiar with the rest of your home. Gradually allow the cats to check each other out through a slightly ajar door. Open the door a little further and lengthen their together time. Eventually they will reach a détente so to speak. Allow both cats to have their own private places to get away from each other as desired. Hopefully they will learn to be lifelong friends. For more information, contact your Montgo ... Read more »

Views: 542 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.24.2017 | Comments (0)

Diabetes is a fairly common condition in cats, especially older cats and obese ones. This condition results in difficulty producing and managing sufficient insulin to keep her blood sugar level within a normal range. This leads to weight loss, loss of appetite, dehydration and possibly coma and death if untreated. The most common symptoms are increased thirst and urination. Since these symptoms are found in a number of conditions and diseases, you will need a clear diagnosis from a medical professional. Some cases of diabetes can be controlled through diet but many cats require regular insulin injections. Blood and urine testing will ensure that your cat’s insulin level is correct and must be performed at regular intervals. There is no cure for diabetes but cats can live a long time with this condition if it is properly managed. Learn more from your Glendale, AZ veterinary clinic.

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Views: 484 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.24.2017 | Comments (0)