Your cat needs exercise daily to keep her at a normal weight and to keep bones, muscles and joints healthy. It also gives your cat time for socialization and mental stimulation. Always use toys during exercise sessions to protect yourself from the claws and teeth of an over-stimulated cat. Choose toys that will stimulate your cat’s hunting instincts. A ball, laser pointer or fishing rod toy with a feather lure will entice your cat to chase, pounce and jump. Encourage your cat to use higher perches to peruse her territory or gaze out a sunny window. These perches require your cat to jump up and down multiple times a day for additional exercise. Empty bags or boxes can act as fine lairs to leap from to ambush prey, even if it is a squeaky toy. Catnip can also add an extra element of crazy active play. Contact your Pickerington, OH vet to learn more.
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Your dog loves you, and he wants to get as much of your attention as he possibly can. This is obvious when he jumps on you, as he seems to be frantically reaching for more of your attention than you are already offering him. Why does he think this is a good idea?
While your pet is in fact trying to get your undivided attention when he jumps on you, he doesn’t instinctively think that his jumping will achieve this. What he is trying to do is reach your eye level to capture your complete attention. He knows that you are looking at him when you are focusing on him, so he is trying to make this happen by putting himself directly in your field of vision by trying to elevate himself to this level. For more information, please contact your local Cameron Park, CA veterinarian.
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Your household has recently grown by one furry little mouse, and you couldn’t be happier with your new addition. However, you know that she is still getting used to her new home, and you haven’t exactly bonded with her the way you’d like to. How can you further this relationship?
It’s important to remember that you are much bigger than your pet, and until she gets to know you as a friend and not a threat, she may be a bit wary of your company. Being consistent in your care and offering her everything she needs will show her that she can depend on you. It will also help her learn to trust you. Once this trust is established, playtime will be much more fun as she will be more comfortable with this type of interaction. For more information, please contact your local Livonia, MI veterinarian.
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Your cat enjoys being able to snack whenever she gets the opportunity to, and you like offering her treats to help get her excited about something during the day. However, there are so many treats on the market that you have trouble choosing one when you head into your local pet store. Is there really a difference between them?
While it may be obvious that treats offer your pet a lot of different flavors and textures to explore, it may not be readily noticeable that they offer a great deal of difference nutritionally. There are many treats that are packed with artificial ingredients and fillers that are simply there to give your pet something tasty every now and then. There are also treats that pack a nutritional punch. These are generally made to supplement your pet’s diet and give her what she needs to be healthy. For more information, please contact your local Lakeville, MN vet or
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Have an outdoor feline friend that wanders through your yard from time to time? Should you try and befriend it? Or is it best to leave the cat alone?
Do you know if the cat has an owner? If he does, there’s nothing wrong with trying to pet him or saying hello when he wanders by. If he’s friendly, you can pet him as he walks through your yard. You can even give him a treat every now and then!
If the cat is a stray, you may want to keep your distance. If you suspect that the cat doesn’t have a home, you can set out a little food for him to eat every once in a while. If he’s a nuisance, you may have to call animal control.
If you decide to bring a stray in, make sure that you schedule an appointment with a registered pet clinic Richardson, TX before you bring him inside.
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The FeLV virus (also known as the Feline Leukemia Virus) is a type of cancer or disease that can affect cats of all ages and breeds including the Ocicat breed. FeLV can cause anemia, lymphoma, and a suppressed immune system in cats. The virus is not contagious to other animals or people. There is no cure for FeLV and most treatment options are for the purpose of prolonging your cat’s quality of life. It’s important to have your Ocicat tested routinely for FeLV even if a diagnosis has already been made. There are levels or degrees of the illness. Your cat may test FeLV positive, but maintain normal levels for years before any symptoms of the disease appear. In addition, your cat may show FeLV positive and simply be a carrier and not actually infected with the disease. Talk with your best pet clinic Plano, TX about medication and long-term care for your Ocicat.
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Puppies explore their world with their mouths and he will go through a teething period. Thus the chewing period will pass but you can reduce the damage. You need to supervise your puppy whenever he is able to explore your home but obviously you can’t watch him 24/7. Set up a puppy-safe area where he cannot do any damage. However, do not leave your puppy in this area for long periods of time. Remove all items throughout the house that you don’t want chewed such as shoes, books, backpacks and other personal items. Keep closet doors securely shut. You obviously cannot remove all your furniture and woodwork so you need to deter your puppy from chewing these items. Pick your puppy up and redirect him to a chewable treat or squeaky toy. Praise him when he chews appropriate items. Contact your Vet Sugar Land, TX to learn more.
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Fleas and ticks affect all types of dogs no matter their breed or their age. If your Toy Poodle is not on a current flea and tick preventative program then contact your vet and ask about available flea and tick products. Most vets will require an in office exam before prescribing new patients flea and tick products so be prepared for an office visit. Fleas and ticks are not only a nuisance, but they can also be dangerous. These tiny pests can carry a variety of diseases. If you find a flea or tick on your dog, remove it right away. Combing through your dog’s coat with a fine tooth comb may help you find and remove fleas. Ticks can be trickier, however, as they are often embedded in your dog’s skin. It is very important to make sure the entire tick is removed, especially the head. Call your best veterinarians Plano, TX for more details.
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Did you know that Orange Tabby cats can contract heartworms in similar ways to dogs? Make sure that your vet tests your Orange Tabby Cat for heartworms at annual exams. You should also double check to make sure your cat is on a monthly heartworm prevention program as well. In general, the disease can be serious if not treated properly. Heartworm disease is caused by a large worm or heartworm that can invade the heart, lungs and blood vessels of your Orange Tabby Cat. Unlike dogs, your cat may only have one to three worms present in her body. If cats do have heartworms they are most likely to have no adult worms. However, the worms can still cause damage to your cat’s health by causing a heartworm associated respiratory disease also known as HARD. Medication used to treat heartworms in dogs is not effective in cats. Talk to your veterinarian Frisco, TX for more information or click here.
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Your cat probably has free reign in the home. He’s a true member of your family, after all! However, there are some areas of your home that can be exceptionally dangerous to a feline, and that includes the kitchen.
There are some foods that are toxic to cats, and because a cat isn’t afraid of jumping on the counter, he can find these foods and eat them. Anything that you don’t want your cat eating should be tucked away in a drawer, cabinet, or pantry.
Cats are curious, and they just love batting things around and knocking them to the floor! That could be dangerous if you’ve left out a knife or a glass of water. A knife can cut your cat’s paw, while a glass can shatter when it hits the floor.
Your veterinary clinic Richardson, TX can help you keep your cat safe in the kitchen. Visit their homepage to know more.
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Consult with your vet to determine the best timeline for weaning your American Shorthair kittens from their mama’s milk and care. Generally, the weaning process begins when the kittens are four weeks old. The transition process can last anywhere from four to six weeks. Experts believe a kitten is old enough to be weaned once his eyes have opened, he is able to focus and he is steady on his feet. Your American Shorthair kitten may also show signs of approaching weaning age by nibbling on his mother’s dry food. This is a good indication that he is ready to be introduced to dry foods. Always talk to your vet before starting the weaning process to ensure that you don’t start too soon. You should also talk with your veterinary clinic Frisco, TX about various methods used throughout the weaning process as this could make things run much smoother for you and the kittens. Visit this link for more details: http:
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If you live in a climate that is prone to icy roads and wintery conditions then you’re probably familiar with having to find a safe place to walk your Golden Retriever in the winter. For instance, some veterinarians would advise that you not walk your Golden Retriever on ice roadways or walkways. Many surfaces that ice over in the winter are treated with melting products. These “melt away” products make the walkways ice free and easier for people to walk on. However, the chemicals in these products are not always safe for pets. If you take your Golden Retriever out for frequent walks try to avoid surfaces that have been treated with salt or ice melt. If you can’t avoid these surfaces consider buying snow shoes for your Golden Retriever in order to protect his feet. Be cautious of your Golden Retriever when he sniffs treated surfaces as well. For more tips, give your vet Frisco, TX a call.
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Your cat is a wonderful part of your household, and helping her live her life to the fullest is one of your top priorities. However, you know your pet won’t be able to do this if she is uncomfortable and having an issue in one or more areas of her life. One area included in this is hairballs, as they can be quite troublesome for some cats. Luckily, you can help your pet with these in a couple different ways.
Your cat will need you to prevent her from ingesting so much fur, so take the time to brush her regularly. Some cats will need to be brushed more frequently than others, so take into account your pet’s individual needs. You should also offer food and treats that are meant to help your pet deal with fur balls, as these can help her process fur that is already
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Your cat is a wonderful part of your family, and you want to make sure you offer her everything she needs. A litter box is an essential pet supply item, and you will need to make sure to choose one that your pet will be comfortable in so she will utilize it as needed. How can you do this?
Your pet needs a litter box that will fit her, so take note of her size and do your best to determine which size litter box will house her. You should then consider what type of litter you plan on using, as this may impact your decision significantly. Your pet may benefit from a hooded option, particularly if there are other pets that may interrupt her litter box use. Take into account where you plan on placing it as well, since this may need to be considered as well.
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Dogs don’t have hands like we do, but they’re just as curious, so how do dogs inspect their environment? With their mouth, of course! Unfortunately, that usually means eating things that they shouldn’t.
Small toys aren’t safe if you have a dog around. Little items like Legos, army men, and even rubber duckies can become quick snacks for a curious dog.
Dogs eat some really gross and weird things too. Canines have been known to sneak snacks from the cat’s litter box. They also gobble up clumps of hair. Believe it or not, but some dogs have even been known to eat rocks!
Dogs drink some weird things too. If left out, a canine won’t think twice about drinking coolant, which can be deadly, so it’s important to hide it on a top shelf in the garage.
To learn more about your dog’s eating habits, make a visit to your veterinary clinic Richardson, TX.
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