Main » 2017 » June » 21

Your cat loves being able to spend her time with you, and she depends on you to make decisions about her care when they are needed. For example, how can you keep your pet’s weight under control?


Since your pet lives in your home and not in the wild, a lot of her care needs are handled for her and she doesn’t need to expel much energy to have them met. This means she needs to get her exercise in other ways, like ... Read more »

Views: 398 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Your cat is a wonderful part of your life, and you want to make sure you are able to offer her a comfortable, happy life. How can you minimize circumstances that may stress her out?

Your pet needs you to think about her needs in terms of how you can help her cope with stressful situations. You can surely keep some of them away from her. For example, you can encourage people and other pets to leave her alone when she is resting, and you can place her in another area of the home when you use a noisy appliance she is scared of, ... Read more »

Views: 423 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Your cat is a wonderful part of your life, and you want to make sure you are able to offer her a comfortable, happy life. How can you minimize circumstances that may stress her out?


Your pet needs you to think about her needs in terms of how you can help her cope with stressful situations. You can surely keep some of them away from her. For example, you can encourage people and other pets to leave her alone when she is resting, and you can place her in another area of the home when ... Read more »

Views: 405 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2017 | Comments (0)

In most cases your gerbil will probably not need to see a vet more than once or twice in its lifetime. It’s a good idea to take your gerbil in for a first time visit after purchasing or adopting him that way your vet can establish a medical history. If your gerbil needs to see the vet in the future, there will be a record on file and a general line of health to go by. Unlike other pets, your gerbil will not need routine wellness exams or vaccinations. Establishing a first time visit and primary relationship with your vet is all you need. You can keep your gerbil healthy on your own by providing him with a vet approved diet and treats. Also keep the gerbil’s cage cleaned on a weekly basis and ensure he has plenty of fresh water. Exercise is also suggested by the pet clinic North Phoenix, AZ.

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Views: 436 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Did you know that turtles should exercise on a daily basis? If you own a turtle, make sure you’re giving him plenty of opportunities to move around and stretch his muscles. If your turtle loves to swim, change out his water daily to keep it fresh and inviting. Place food pellets on the water to encourage him to swim around. Toys or small pieces of sticks can also be used to encourage movement in the water. Include a variety of rocks on the dry land so that your turtle has to climb in order to get to his bathing or basking spot. You can also give your turtle supervised roaming time outside of his habitat. Turtles love to move around this way too. Outside of the tank, you can work with your turtle in teaching him tricks or simply how to play with a toy. For more tips, talk with your vet North Phoenix, AZ.

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Views: 435 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Owning a dog can be a big responsibility especially if you’ve never owned a pup before. If you’re a first time dog owner, it’s important to know that exercising your dog is a big part of his overall health and wellness. Your vet can help you understand how much exercise your dog needs based on the dog’s breed. Small, energetic dogs need a lot more time to work off their energy and require regular, long walks. Larger dogs may do well with a simple game of fetch outside or a long, slow walk. Puppies on the other hand are full of all sorts of energy and could use several playtime activities throughout the day. For instance, walks, trips to the dog park for interaction with other dogs, playing games, obedience training, etc. Talk with your vet services North Phoenix, AZ to learn more ways to exercise your dog.

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Views: 409 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Guinea pigs need to drink a regular amount of water daily. Most pet stores sell guinea pig/rabbit water bottles that attach to the cage of your pet. Fill this bottle daily with fresh water and note how much is gone each day. Guinea pigs should drink about 100ml of water every day. This may not always come from the water bottle though. Some cavies tend not to be big drinkers, but instead get most of their water supply through food. You may not be able to track his water consumption as well through food, but you can note what you’re feeding him and whether or not it’s a good source of water. For instance, dry food is not a water source, but fruits are. If you feed your little guy apples, peaches, grapes, etc. then he’s getting water that way. If you have any questions about your cavy’s water consumption, call your veterinary clinic Scottsdale, AZ. Or click this link: http://raintreepetscot ... Read more »

Views: 434 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Rabbits can make great pets for elementary aged children and older. If you and your family own a rabbit, make sure you take him into the vet for routine appointments and checkups. If you have to travel and you can’t take your rabbit with you, be sure to check with your vet to find out if boarding services are available at the clinic or if he can refer you to someone who would be willing to pet sit for you. Look for someone who has experience with pets including rabbits. Teens and older are idea because they can usually provide their own transportation and have schedules that are flexible for pet sitting. Always ask for references and any previous experience. Have chosen candidate meet your rabbit at the final interview. Go over the daily routine, etc. Make sure your pet sitter known the contact information for your veterinarian Scottsdale, AZ.

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Views: 415 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2017 | Comments (0)

Sometimes it’s necessary to board your elderly Pomeranian. For instance, a family emergency may require you to travel or an unexpected business trip may come up. Elderly pups need a lot of care depending on their health and how mobile they are. Having someone else do it can cause anxiety for both the dog and owner. But there are some things you can do to help ease the tension. First, call your vet and find out if he will board short term. Many vets will provide emergency boarding especially for their own clients. If this is not available, ask your vet for a recommendation based on your elderly Pomeranian’s needs. Once you have someone or a boarding facility in mind, drop in for a tour, explain the care you pup will need. Bring your pup in for a few hours, then perhaps a day or overnight. Make sure the boarder has all information for your best vet Scottsdale, AZ.

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Views: 411 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2017 | Comments (0)