Main » 2017 » June » 21 » Keeping your Guinea Pig Hydrated
4:58 AM
Keeping your Guinea Pig Hydrated

Guinea pigs need to drink a regular amount of water daily. Most pet stores sell guinea pig/rabbit water bottles that attach to the cage of your pet. Fill this bottle daily with fresh water and note how much is gone each day. Guinea pigs should drink about 100ml of water every day. This may not always come from the water bottle though. Some cavies tend not to be big drinkers, but instead get most of their water supply through food. You may not be able to track his water consumption as well through food, but you can note what you’re feeding him and whether or not it’s a good source of water. For instance, dry food is not a water source, but fruits are. If you feed your little guy apples, peaches, grapes, etc. then he’s getting water that way. If you have any questions about your cavy’s water consumption, call your veterinary clinic Scottsdale, AZ. Or click this link:

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