Main » 2017 » June » 21 » A Pet Sitter for your Rabbit
3:37 AM
A Pet Sitter for your Rabbit

Rabbits can make great pets for elementary aged children and older. If you and your family own a rabbit, make sure you take him into the vet for routine appointments and checkups. If you have to travel and you can’t take your rabbit with you, be sure to check with your vet to find out if boarding services are available at the clinic or if he can refer you to someone who would be willing to pet sit for you. Look for someone who has experience with pets including rabbits. Teens and older are idea because they can usually provide their own transportation and have schedules that are flexible for pet sitting. Always ask for references and any previous experience. Have chosen candidate meet your rabbit at the final interview. Go over the daily routine, etc. Make sure your pet sitter known the contact information for your veterinarian Scottsdale, AZ.

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