Main » 2017 » June » 21 » Your Cat and Weight Control
12:10 PM
Your Cat and Weight Control

Your cat loves being able to spend her time with you, and she depends on you to make decisions about her care when they are needed. For example, how can you keep your pet’s weight under control?


Since your pet lives in your home and not in the wild, a lot of her care needs are handled for her and she doesn’t need to expel much energy to have them met. This means she needs to get her exercise in other ways, like through play. Offer your time to play with her. Encourage active games, and offer toys that will do the same. Also, be sure your pet is eating appropriate portions of nutrient-dense foods. Her treats should be included in this, and should help add nutrients that may be lacking in her meals. Your local vet East Indianapolis, IN can offer additional suggestions.

Views: 399 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: animal hospital east indianapolis i, veterinarians east indianapolis in, veterinary clinic east indianapolis | Rating: 0.0/0
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