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Your home will soon have a pocket pet living under its roof, and you want to be ready to care for your new addition the second she comes home. To prepare, you will need to make sure your living space is appropriate for such a wonderfully curious creature to be spending time in.

Consider what areas of your home your new pet would like to explore. Then take a look at what potential hazards exist within this space. You may be surprised to find things that your pet could get hurt on, like sharp items or things she could choke on. Make sure there are no small areas she can climb into, and that you have all toxic substances well out of her reach. Your local professional Marietta, GA vets can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home.

Views: 405 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.18.2017 | Comments (0)

Your pet needs to be able to be comfortable, and something this means having his grooming needs met by a professional. However, not all groomers will be a good match for your pet. In fact, many have their own specialties and preferences, so finding one that will meet your pet’s needs well can really make a difference.

Another thing to consider when finding a groomer for your pet, is how this individual will make him feel. You want your pet to be relaxed in this setting, and you will need to find a groomer who can help him stay calm. They should also be able to answer any of your questions professionally, and be able to offer you a reasonable price in exchange for their services. Your local most reputable veterinary clinic Marietta GA can help you care for your pet.

Views: 428 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.18.2017 | Comments (0)

Your pet rabbit needs daily exercise to keep healthy and happy. With the warm weather upon us, it might be fun to play outside. You can create an exercise area using wire fencing or some other material to keep your rabbit contained. Your rabbit will nibble on grass and plants. Ensure that the plants your rabbit can get to are non-toxic. Lawn pesticides or fertilizers can be dangerous to your rabbit so carefully follow package directions for safety or use pet-safe products instead. Give your rabbit some toys to play with. He may also love climbing ramps or running through tunnels. Consider using a cat-sized harness with a lightweight leash that can drag behind your rabbit. Thus you will only need to get within a leash length of your rabbit to catch him. Supervise your rabbit at all times while he is out of his enclosure. For more information, contact your Cy-Fair veterinarian. Learn more here.

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Views: 433 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.18.2017 | Comments (0)

Your dog may try to be independent and care for his own needs, but he still requires a lot from you. Take his skin for example – what should you do if it begins to become dry?

Your pet’s skin is a reflection of his lifestyle, so there is likely something causing it to be dry. Make sure your pet is getting enough water throughout the day so he can stay properly hydrated. He will also need to be able to utilize his skin’s natural oils instead of having them be stripped away by constant bathing, so be sure you aren’t washing him up too frequently. The products you may be using on him may be the cause as well, so take note of anything that would dry his skin out a bit. Your local Marietta, GA vet can offer additional guidance. Learn more here.

Views: 390 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.18.2017 | Comments (0)

If you are thinking about purchasing or adopting a horse then one of the first things you will need to do is find a place to keep your horse. If you have a barn at home then keeping him there would be the best choice. However, not everyone has a barn or pasture for their horse at home. In this case you will need to board your horse. Your equine vet may be able to assist you in finding the best boarding arrangement for you and your horse. Many standard boarding barns will provide a stall plus paddock or pasture turnout for a set fee each month. Low fees may only include a stall and turnout with you having to supply your horse’s grain, bedding, hay and other care. Higher fee boarding facilities often provide all care including grain, hay and bedding. Talk with your veterinarian Mattoon, IL to learn more.

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Views: 446 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.18.2017 | Comments (0)