Your dog means the world to you, and you want him to experience as little discomfort as possible. However, your pet can still fall ill even under the best circumstances. To help him feel better, you will need to be able to identify sickness symptoms promptly so you can address the illness right away.
Your pet may be feeling a bit under the weather if he begins to change his typical behavior and there is no other reason for this that you can see. He may want to rest more and will pass up the opportunity to do something he usually gets excited about. He may change his eating habits, and he may show more obvious signs of an issue, like vomiting or coughing. Your local Marietta, GA vet can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home. Visit them for additional information and advice.
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Your pet loves you, and has really grown to trust you. However, you know that there will be some times that you are unsure of what she needs, and you will need to seek out the help of a professional, like her veterinarian.
To really help your pet, you will need to make sure you listen to her veterinarian and follow any care instructions you are given. To do this, you need to make sure you are able to fully understand what the vet is telling you to do, and why it is so important. If you aren’t sure, speak up. Asking for clarification is a great way to get a better understanding of your pet’s needs, and it will help you work together to meet your pet’s care requirements. Your local Marietta, GA vet clinic can help you care for your pet. Visit site
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Your cat is a big part of your life, and you want her to be as comfortable as she can be in your care. However, this doesn’t mean that you will always be able to know exactly what she requires without doing some research. What should you know about her grooming needs?
If your cat is like most, she probably spends a great deal of time trying to keep up with her grooming needs. She will still need to be brushed regularly, as tangles and knots can easily appear, particularly if she is a longhaired cat. She will need to be wiped down if she gets excessively dirty, and may even require the assistance of a professional groomer from time to time. You should be mindful of how her skin and fur are looking, as you may be able to identify issues she is having by pointing out any changes. Your local Ma
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A Pacific Parrotlet’s temperament can depend a lot on how comfortable and content he is in his cage or habitat. Ask your local pet store associate about an appropriate sized cage for your bird as well as things to place in the cage to keep your Pacific Parrotlet entertained and happy. Generally you should look for a cage that is lead free since your bird will most likely pick and bite at the bars. Look for a cage that is at least twice the width of your Pacific Parrotlet’s wingspan in order to ensure there is enough room to stretch and flap his wings. Your parrot will also need things like a water dish, food dish and even a perch for inside and outside his cage. Pacific Parrotlets generally eat a commercial pellet food. Pick up some fruits and veggies for snack time too. Contact your veterinarian care Flatwoods, KY to find out more.
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Dancing is a great way for pet birds to exercise and burn off some extra energy. Parrots are generally a music loving species and they especially like to dance. If you’ve noticed your Pacific Parrotlet moving around more when music is playing then you’ve most likely get a natural on your hand! Exercise helps keep Pacific Parrotlets occupied and happy. Parrots, like the Pacific Parrotlet, are notorious for getting bored and developing negative habits. Exercising regularly can help prevent this. You can encourage your Pacific Parrotlet to dance by simply turning on the radio and waiting for him to hear his favorite musical rhythms. Some owners even have their children start dancing first, which tends to spur on the dancing of the bird. If possible, allow your Pacific Parrotlet out of his cage to dance and move around even more. Consult with your veterinarian Flatwoods, KY for more exercise tips and sugge
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Seizures affect a variety of birds including American Singer Canary, budgies, the Amazon parrot, African grey parrots, finches and lovebirds. When a parrot or bird has a seizure he may fall from his perch, act disoriented, restless, agitated, and may even go into sporadic convulsions. If this happens to your canary, notify your vet immediately. Your vet may run a variety of tests to determine a cause for the seizure. If an underlying cause is found then treatment will start there. For instance, if a vitamin deficiency is discovered, your vet will most likely treat that first. Your vet may also treat the seizure directly through medication. Please note that there is not a specific cure for seizures. Most treatments are used in an effort to lessen the occurrence and severity of seizures. Always ask your veterinarian Flatwoods, KY additional questions if you are unsure about a treatment for your American Singer Canary. Find out more here:
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Cats bite in response to a variety of reasons. Pet owners should know these potential reasons to prevent bringing on the behavior and also be better equipped in dealing with the behavior in positive ways.
Common causes of aggressive biting in cats
- Overstimulation during petting sessions
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Identifying which dog breed lives the longest or is the healthiest may impossible, but there are certain breeds of dogs with less predisposition of developing hereditary problems and other health issues that can significantly shorten their longevity.
It may not always be possible to identify which breed of dog has the longest lifespan or is the healthiest, but there are certain breeds that are known to have lower risks of developing genetic problems, bones and joints problems, and skin and coat issues.
Here are two breeds of dogs that ar
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Your dog may be very brave in certain situations, but this doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t have moments of nervousness as well. You will need to calm your pet when the latter presents itself, as your pet depends on you to help him through tough times.
Your pet trusts your judgement and will be calmer if he realizes that you are comfortable in the current situation. Do your best to talk in soothing tones and give him lots of reassurance regarding his safety. Staying nearby can be comforting for him, and it can help him see that you aren’t upset by what is going on around you. You can also try to distract him from what’s concerning him, or make a point to remove him from the situation if it becomes too overwhelming. For additional information, please contact your local Marietta, GA vet clinic. Visit their
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Each year several dogs and even cats are diagnosed with arthritis. Arthritis generally refers to the swelling of the joints. Your vet staff can help you understand what arthritis is and how it affects pets. Most often, arthritis attacks a dog’s back end in the area of his hips and back legs. This causes your pup to move slowly and sometimes painfully when getting around. Breeds like the German Shepherds, Labradors and Retrievers are prone to arthritis more than other breeds of dogs. One way to help your dog deal with arthritis is to take him to the vet for a routine exam. Your vet can help diagnose the arthritis and recommend various treatment methods. Some dogs may need to take routine medication for pain and inflammation. Your vet care Ashland, KY may recommend physical therapy for your dog, which could involve activities such as water or hydro therapy.
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Striped White ferrets and other breeds of ferrets are susceptible to heartworm disease in much the same way as dogs and cats. Talk to your veterinarian to find out how heartworms can affect your Striped White ferret and what you can do to protect your ferret. Heartworms are foot-long worms that can invade the heart, lungs and blood vessels of your ferret. Unlike dogs, a single heartworm can cause severe damage to ferrets. Thankfully, there is a heartworm prevention program available for ferrets similar to the program available to dogs and cats. Talk to your vet about placing your ferret on a prevention program. Your veterinary Ashland, KY may conduct a blood test first to verify that your ferret is free of heartworms. He will then start your ferret on monthly oral medication to prevent heartworms. Prevention is the best form of protection for your Striped White ferret.
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Reptiles like the Savannah Monitor have been known to develop common illnesses such as mouth rot. The condition generally occurs when a monitor’s immune system is unable to breakdown bacteria in the mouth. Inflammation and small hemorrhages may appear on the inside of the mouth or the edge of the mouth near the lip area. Thick amounts of mucus may also collect in the mouth. Symptoms may include open mouth breathing and even swelling. Causes of mouth rot may include poor nutrition, poorly regulated temperature in the living environment, stress, trauma, etc. Although a common condition, it is also a preventable condition. Proper diet and living enclosures are the first step towards prevention. Knowing about the animal you have purchased and how to properly care for him can make all of the difference. For more information about mouth rot and how to prevent or treat it in your Savannah Monitor, call your vet Ashland, KY.
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If you own a Savannah Monitor then you may or may not realize that there are a variety of illnesses and disorders that reptiles are prone to. For instance, you may want to talk to your vet about infectious stomatitis often called “mouth rot.” Stomatitis refers to an inflammation of the mouth or the oral cavity. It is commonly called mouth rout as it is basically an infection of the mouth. The condition will appear as small hemorrhages on the gums or as excessive amounts of mucus in the mouth that may contain blood or pus. These could also appear on the inside edge of the lip area. When mouth rot occurs your Savannah Monitor may have a severely swollen mouth and may appear to be breathing through his mouth. Mouth rot usually occurs as a result of another illness or injury including poor nutrition, improper environmental temperatures or overcrowding. Call your vet Ashland, KY for more details.
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