Main » 2017 » January » 5 » When Should I Wean my American Shorthair Kittens?
12:32 PM
When Should I Wean my American Shorthair Kittens?

Consult with your vet to determine the best timeline for weaning your American Shorthair kittens from their mama’s milk and care. Generally, the weaning process begins when the kittens are four weeks old. The transition process can last anywhere from four to six weeks. Experts believe a kitten is old enough to be weaned once his eyes have opened, he is able to focus and he is steady on his feet. Your American Shorthair kitten may also show signs of approaching weaning age by nibbling on his mother’s dry food. This is a good indication that he is ready to be introduced to dry foods. Always talk to your vet before starting the weaning process to ensure that you don’t start too soon. You should also talk with your veterinary clinic Frisco, TX about various methods used throughout the weaning process as this could make things run much smoother for you and the kittens. Visit this link for more details:

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