Your family loves pocket pets, but you are often debating which animals are gerbils and which are hamsters when you head to the pet store. Is there an easy way to tell the difference?
While at first glance these two little fur balls may appear quite similar, they are actually quite different. It’s easy to mistake one for the other until you take note of these differences. Gerbils tend to be a bit smaller in size than hamsters are, and the structure of their face is distinctly different. They also have long tails where hamsters don’t. Their behavior differs as well, in that gerbils are diurnal and hamsters are nocturnal. Gerbils also tend to be more social than hamsters, so they are more likely to be enjoying the attention they are getting from both one another and the people around them. For additional information, please contact your Northbrook Animal Ho
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All animals have some really strange habits, and hamsters are no different. One of the strangest is the fact that hamsters like to store food in their mouths. Why do they do this?
Hamsters don’t actually store food in their mouths. Instead, they gather food in their mouths to transport it somewhere else. In the wild, this was extremely important. It’s a bit like a squirrel burying nuts. Hamsters pack their cheeks with as much food as they can find and then bring it all back to their burrow.
Domestic hamsters still have this instinct. You’ll likely catch your critter hiding food in his pouch and putting it somewhere else in the cage. There’s nothing to worry about. This behavior is completely normal, so there’s no reason to be alarmed!
To learn more about normal and abnormal hamster behaviors,
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Your dog means the world to you, and you want to make sure he has everything he needs. A collar is an essential pet supply item for a few different reasons, so you want to make sure you choose the right option for your little fur ball.
When choosing a collar, the size, weight, and fit will be your primary concern. Make sure your pet can move around freely with the collar on, and that it will be comfortable for him. Next, look at what you need the collar to do, and make sure it can do so efficiently. Most pet owners need their dog’s collar to house identification tags, and to hook securely to a leash when they take their dog out of the house. Consider any additional features your dog may need, like a collar that will dry quickly if he tends to spend time in the water. For additional information, please contact your Whitestone Veterinary Care, NY.
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Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) is an incurable disease of the nerves and spinal cord, which can cause loss of mobility and numbness or loss of feeling in the legs. If your Welsh Corgi has been diagnosed with DM then you may want to schedule a time to talk to your vet about alternative medications and treatment methods. There is no cure for DM, but therapeutic exercises, medications and other treatment can possibly help slow the progression of the disease and prolong quality of life. Drugs that are available to help slow the onset of DM include N-Acetylcysteine (an antioxidant), Aminocaproic acid (inhibits the breakdown of fibrin needed for blood clots), Antiox-Q (vitamins and minerals to help the nervous system), and Antiox-QCB (like Antiox-Q but also contains an anti-inflammatory). Talk to your veterinarians Glendale, AZ about prescribing these for your dog along with prescribing therapeutic treatment sessions.
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Are you looking to adopt a bird like the Finch? Adopting a bird can be a big responsibility especially if the bird you are looking to adopt has a disability such as a broken wing or a missing leg. Before adopting such a Finch, talk with your vet to find out exactly what the bird’s condition is and what he will require on a daily basis. Your vet may be able to help you decide. As with any pet bird, you want to make sure that you will have the time available to provide the bird with the specific care he needs. If your bird has a disability you may also need to factor in time for rehab and other forms of therapy. In addition, you will need to know if the bird requires special housing, particular food, etc. Before adopting, you may also want to make sure you can afford the bird’s care from your veterinarian services Glendale, AZ.
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Gerbils are desert-dwelling animals so they are not happy with water baths. Thus you will need to give your gerbil a dirt bath. Purchase chinchilla sand from a reputable pet supply store. You can also buy a dirt bath or use an open container. Put a few inches of sand in the container and put it in your gerbil’s cage. Let him explore it and instinct will take over. He will roll in it to clean his fur and keep it shiny. If your gerbil doesn’t take to the dirt bath within 15 minutes, remove the container from his enclosure so he doesn’t end up using it as a litter box. Try again another day to your gerbil learns the pleasures of a good dirt bath. Some owners allow their gerbils to take dirt baths several times a week while others limit it to once a week or less.
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Are you looking to show your Small Conure in a bird show? If so then you may want to connect with fellow parrot owners that also show their Small Conure birds. Current bird show competitors are also excellent contacts to make as they can help prepare you for what to expect at a show and the steps to take to enter the show. To get started you will first need to decide what type of bird show you can show your Small Conure in. Once you know this, look online or asking your local bird association about upcoming bird shows and venues. It’s often recommended that you attend a show as a spectator before actually participating. Once you find a show and attend as a spectator, use the event as an opportunity to find out how to register for future shows. Also ask what kind of certificates or vet records will be required from your veterinary clinic Glendale, AZ. To know more, click here.
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The feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a leading killer of cats. Most cats die within three years of infection with the virus. FeLV is spread from contact between cats through bodily fluids such as saliva and blood. Kittens can also become infected through their mother’s milk. Infected cats may not appear sick until quite a time after exposure but in the meanwhile, they can make other cats sick. Fortunately, your cat can and should be immunized against FeLV. This preventative care is the best way to keep your cat healthy. Keep up on the immunizations so there is no lapse in protection. Your cat will need periodic bloodwork to ensure that she hasn’t been infected with FeLV. Even indoor cats need immunization since even the most careful cat owner may find that their cat has sli
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The feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a leading killer of cats. Most cats die within three years of infection with the virus. FeLV is spread from contact between cats through bodily fluids such as saliva and blood. Kittens can also become infected through their mother’s milk. Infected cats may not appear sick until quite a time after exposure but in the meanwhile, they can make other cats sick. Fortunately, your cat can and should be immunized against FeLV. This preventative care is the best way to keep your cat healthy. Keep up on the immunizations so there is no lapse in protection. Your cat will need periodic bloodwork to ensure that she hasn’t been infected with FeLV. Even indoor cats need immunization since even the most careful cat owner may find that their cat has slipped ou
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Most dogs don’t like medication in pill form. You can try crushing the tablet and mixing it with some canned food or chopped meat. Just make sure he eats all of the meat to get a complete dosage. A pill gun has rubber fingers to hold the pill and a plunger on the other to push the pill from the gun into your dog’s throat. Hold your dog’s chin up and open his mouth with your fingers. Quickly insert the gun behind the tongue and release the pill. Keep your dog’s chin up and rub his throat until you are sure he has swallowed the pill. Some manufacturers have created really yummy treats with a pocket to put a pill in. Just pinch the pocket closed with the pill inside and feed it to your pet. Watch that he eats the whole treat, pill and all. Contact your Vet Greensboro, NC
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When the weather gets cold, your heart likely aches for the poor kitties who are stuck outside without a family. Here are a few ways you can help those strays during the coldest months of the year.
Set out a little food for those strays. It’s even better if you can set out a high calorie food, as it can help those cats keep their weight up, ultimately keeping them warm. Just make sure you don’t leave food out all the time. Otherwise, you can attract other animals that you may not want to feed, like raccoons.
Create a warm place for those cats to rest. It can be as simple as lining an old plastic tub with insulated material and cutting a hole in the side. It will keep strays safe from the weather.
For more ideas, call your vet Rochester, NY or visit this website.
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The holiday season is an exciting time for many reasons. It sometimes means thoughtful gifts, and it definitely means tasty food, but it also means holiday parties that can be stressful for a cat. Here are some tips for keeping your cat happy and comfortable all season long.
If you’re planning on having a large group of people over, confine your cat in a back room, at least while everyone is arriving. Even if your cat is friendly, having the door opening and shutting means your cat may find a way to escape outside. It’s also important to understand that not everyone likes cats, so shutting your cat away for a while can be very helpful.
After everyone arrives, you can consider letting your cat out to meet everyone, but it’s only a good idea if your cat is generally friendly. If he’s skittish, keep him tucked away.
Your vet
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It’s common knowledge that cats don’t like water, but if that’s true, why do they spend so much time playing in their water bowl?
Although most cats don’t like water, they are fascinated by it and how it moves. If your cat doesn’t play in his water bowl, you may catch him playing in the toilet!
If your cat plays in his water bowl, it’s absolutely essential that you change his water frequently. When playing in his water, he’s likely to get it dirty and hairy, which makes it very unappetizing. Plan to switch out the water at least once a day, if not twice a day.
If your cat likes to paw around in the toilet, make sure you keep the seat down! To learn more about your cat’s relationship with water, schedule a time to visit with your veterinarian Rochester, NY.<
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