Main » 2016 » October » 26 » Feline Leukemia and Your Cat
8:58 AM
Feline Leukemia and Your Cat

The feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a leading killer of cats. Most cats die within three years of infection with the virus. FeLV is spread from contact between cats through bodily fluids such as saliva and blood. Kittens can also become infected through their mother’s milk. Infected cats may not appear sick until quite a time after exposure but in the meanwhile, they can make other cats sick. Fortunately, your cat can and should be immunized against FeLV. This preventative care is the best way to keep your cat healthy. Keep up on the immunizations so there is no lapse in protection. Your cat will need periodic bloodwork to ensure that she hasn’t been infected with FeLV. Even indoor cats need immunization since even the most careful cat owner may find that their cat has slipped out of the house. Learn more from your Greensboro, NC veterinary clinic. Click here to know more details.

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