Main » 2016 » October » 26 » Cleaning Your Gerbil
9:38 AM
Cleaning Your Gerbil

Gerbils are desert-dwelling animals so they are not happy with water baths. Thus you will need to give your gerbil a dirt bath. Purchase chinchilla sand from a reputable pet supply store. You can also buy a dirt bath or use an open container. Put a few inches of sand in the container and put it in your gerbil’s cage. Let him explore it and instinct will take over. He will roll in it to clean his fur and keep it shiny. If your gerbil doesn’t take to the dirt bath within 15 minutes, remove the container from his enclosure so he doesn’t end up using it as a litter box. Try again another day to your gerbil learns the pleasures of a good dirt bath. Some owners allow their gerbils to take dirt baths several times a week while others limit it to once a week or less. For more information, contact your Greensboro, NC veterinarian.


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