Main » 2016 » October » 26 » When Cats Play in Their Water
3:41 AM
When Cats Play in Their Water

It’s common knowledge that cats don’t like water, but if that’s true, why do they spend so much time playing in their water bowl?

Although most cats don’t like water, they are fascinated by it and how it moves. If your cat doesn’t play in his water bowl, you may catch him playing in the toilet!

If your cat plays in his water bowl, it’s absolutely essential that you change his water frequently. When playing in his water, he’s likely to get it dirty and hairy, which makes it very unappetizing. Plan to switch out the water at least once a day, if not twice a day.

If your cat likes to paw around in the toilet, make sure you keep the seat down! To learn more about your cat’s relationship with water, schedule a time to visit with your veterinarian Rochester, NY.

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