Your home is currently pet-less, and you’d like to add a canine friend to the household. You are considering adopting an older dog instead of bringing home a puppy. Are there benefits to taking this route?
Depending on the individual family, there are a multitude of benefits available when considering an older pet. Puppies are genuinely a lot of work, and an older pet may help you ease into pet ownership a bit smoother. This is because your furry friend will have had more life experience, and will therefore be able to handle things a bit better. He will get into less trouble and may even have been exposed to some training. He will also be less energetic and more likely to be able to handle himself on his own. Your local Pickerington, OH vet clinic can offer additional advice. Click here to know more details.
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Your dog may follow you around your home quite often, but that doesn’t mean everything about him will be so easy to figure out. Take his hiding habit, for example. He may take a belonging or two of yours and hide it somewhere. Why does he do this?
Your pet may not realize that the item belongs to you, and he may be claiming it as his own. This means that he is likely placing it somewhere that he can come back and find it later. He may also be well aware that the item is yours. If so, he has likely seen you use it time after time. This means that he may think it is important to you. Hiding a belonging like this may be his way of helping you, as he may be trying to put it in a place for safekeeping. For additional information, please contact your local Westlake Village, CA veterinarian.
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Feeding your Golden hamster a treat every now and then can be a great thing especially since most hamsters enjoy a little variety in their diet. However, there are definitely particular foods that your Golden hamster can eat and foods that he should avoid at all costs. In general, Golden hamsters can have small amounts of fruits and vegetables or even nuts in moderation. But there are some specifics that should be avoided. Golden hamsters should not be given almonds. The nut itself is not toxic; however, the skin around the almond may contain “naturally occurring” acids that are harmful if eaten. If your hamster has been given almonds and you notice that he is having trouble digesting them or he’s developed diarrhea, contact your veterinary clinic McHenry, IL right away. In addition to the acids in almonds, it is also recommended that you not give your Golden hamster any type of acid
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Your mouse may be a tiny creature, but she occupies a big place in your heart. To help her lead a happy and healthy life, you will need to offer her a clean place to call her own. This will not only help her stay comfortable, but it will also keep harmful germs and bacteria from becoming overwhelming.
To keep the mouse’s cage clean, you will need to regularly take part in spot cleanings, most likely on a daily basis. Still, your pet’s enclosure will need a thorough cleaning at least once a week. These should involve washing and sanitizing any items that can be sanitized, and replacing any items that can’t be with new versions. Be sure to wait until everything is completely dry before reassembling your pet’s enclosure. Your local Greensboro, NC vet clinic can help you care for your pet. Schedule an appointment today.
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Pet parents whose dogs are moderate or heavy shedders will certainly have their hands full not only during shedding season but all throughout the year. Here are some tips to help deal with your pets’ shedding:
- Use the right grooming tools and know how to use them properly; it can help make the task easier and quicker. Your dog’s hair coat will help you choose which grooming tools to buy.
- Fatty acid supplements, especially omega-3 and omega-6, have been known to promote excellent skin and hair coat health. Ask your veterinarian for a high-quality fish oil supplement that is specially made for dogs. You can see results of supplementation within 4-6 weeks. Some pet food and treats claim to have omega fatty acids in their ingredients but the amounts are usually very small to have an effect. Know more about your pet's groomi
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Pet owners should always remember that eye injuries, even the most minor ones, should be brought to their veterinarian’s attention. Even a tiny abrasion on a dog’s eyes can progress into a serious infection and can possibly lead to vision loss. A dog with an eye problem is usually seen squinting, blinking excessively, has excessive tears, or eye discharges. The dog may also try to avoid bright lights.
Cases of eye injuries in dogs are often caused by small objects that become embedded in the eye. There are also those with abnormal eyelid conformation, including abnormal growth of eyelashes. Pawing their eyes can also lead to injuries.
First aid measures that can be undertaken highly depend on the cause and/or amount of injury. While there is little that can be done to prevent eye injuries in dogs, your Plano, TX vet can give you valuabl
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Did you know that a stressful environment can make even the most confident cats insecure? A sudden change in the daily routine of the household, moving to a new place, or even a visit to the vet clinic can potentially trigger feelings of insecurity in cats.
Being creatures of habit, cats thrive with routine. Any change can stress them out and when they’re insecure they feel that their comfort and security is threatened switching them on defense mode. Thus, you may find an insecure cat suddenly hiding under your bed or behind furniture. Some even hide in the laundry basket or an open washing machine. However, not all cats that seek out these places have feelings of insecurity. Some just like to sleep without being disturbed. So it is a good idea to observe your pet carefully before making any conclusion. Consult your Plano, TX veterinarian if you have any concerns about your
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Like humans, dogs get a little creakier as they grow older. Although arthritis and joint problems are more common in the twilight years, dogs of any age can also develop the problem.
Arthritis is brought about by the wearing down of the cartilage that surrounds the joints. The cartilage facilitates the movement of the joint and when it’s gone, joint movement can become painful. Common predisposing factors and causes of arthritis in pets include obesity, age, injury, or inherited conditions.
Common arthritis symptoms
- Limping
- Stiffness
- Reluctance to move especially after sleeping
- Hesitates to go up and down stairs
- Pain or swelling of affected joints
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Pet owners should never be complacent when it comes to their pets’ health and wellbeing. Being quick to spot abnormal signs and seeking veterinary attention can go a long way in improving prognosis and preventing serious complications.
Loss of Appetite
Any sudden changes in your pet’s appetite and/or eating patterns can be considered a potential problem if it has existed for more than 24 hours. However, some breeds of dogs have been wired to go a few days without eating anything, and this is a normal occurrence. One such breed is the Tibetan mastiff.
Allergic Reaction
Some dogs manifest a hypersensitive reaction to specific allergens in their environment, food, and even vaccinations.
Paralysis of the hind legs
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Your dog’s paws help him go throughout his world day after day, and are an essential part of his freedom. This makes them important to upkeep. Your pet will need your help with this, and luckily there is a lot to do to keep him up and moving.
Your dog needs you to look over his paws every now and then to make sure they are in good working order. This will help you understand what his paws normally look like, and it will also give you the opportunity to take note of any changes that happen. Some things, like small scrapes or caught foreign debris, can be addressed on your own. Others, like swelling or deeper cuts will require professional medical attention. If you find that your pet is constantly having issues with his paws, consider purchasing him a pair of booties to help keep him safe. Click here to contact your local Greensboro, NC vet clinic for additional advice.
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There are numerous kinds of fruits and vegetables that Havana rabbits and other breed rabbits enjoy snacking on. There are also quite a few fruits and vegetables that rabbits like the Havana rabbit should avoid. For instance, leafy greens, carrots and celery are great snacking alternatives for rabbits. For the most part, Havana rabbits and other rabbits can eat all kinds of leafy greens. However, your vet may tell you that avocados are one of those veggies that are not ideal for consumption. Avocados can cause serious problems in rabbits including death. If you think your rabbit has eaten avocado make sure you call your vet or the emergency number listed at your vet’s office. Avocados are toxic and if your rabbit has eaten one then you should call your veterinary clinic Hendersonville, NC right away. Signs of avocado poisoning include lethargy, refusal to eat or drink, lack of urinating and lack of pooping. Learn more here<
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If your cat ingests too much hair, it can mix with mucus and saliva in your cat’s gut and she will vomit it up as a hairball. Your cat can ingest too much hair while grooming herself or a companion cat. Consider feeding your cat a hairball formula food, which adds fiber to help excess hair pass through your cat’s system. You can also use a hairball gel available from reputable pet supply stores. Your cat can lick this gel off your finger or her paw. It acts as a lubricant to help the hair slip through. If your cat throws up a hairball, just clean it up without fuss. Do not punish your cat since she cannot help it. Monitor how often your cat throws up and that it is actually a hairball and not something that requires medical care. Contact your Lakeville, MN vet to learn more.
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Your cat loves sharing your home with you, and you want her to think of this living space as both comfortable and welcoming. To make this happen, you will need to make sure you offer her a place she can really enjoy.
To do this, take the time to make things safe for her in your home. This safety will allow her to take her mind off things a bit and truly relax within your living space. Replace any hazardous items, like choking hazards or toxic substances, with things she can play with. Anything that could pose a threat and can’t be eliminated from the household should be placed out of your cat’s reach. You should also offer proper supervision so anything that needs to be addressed can be seen to promptly. Learn more from your local Greensboro, NC veterinarian.
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Your cat loves sharing your home with you, and you want her to think of this living space as both comfortable and welcoming. To make this happen, you will need to make sure you offer her a place she can really enjoy.
To do this, take the time to make things safe for her in your home. This safety will allow her to take her mind off things a bit and truly relax within your living space. Replace any hazardous items, like choking hazards or toxic substances, with things she can play with. Anything that could pose a threat and can’t be eliminated from the household should be placed out of your cat’s reach. You should also offer proper supervision so anything that needs to be addressed can be seen to promptly. Learn more from your local Greensboro, NC veterinarian.
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