Main » 2016 » April » 2 » Blankets for Suffolk Sheep
5:58 AM
Blankets for Suffolk Sheep

Did you know that sheep needs blankets? Depending on where you live, your Suffolk sheep may need a blanket to warm in the colder winter months. However, most sheep are often blanketed year round and it’s not necessarily to keep them warm. In fact, Suffolk sheep are often blanketed to keep their wool clean.  In fact, many Suffolk sheep owners who show their sheep prefer to have a blanket or stable sheet for sheep on hand to cover their sheep and keep them clean during, before, and sometimes after a show. In the summer, most sheep owners will select a lightweight blanket to throw over their Suffolk sheep to keep them clean and cool. In the winter, a heavier blanket is used to give extra warmth as well as to keep the sheep clean. If you need to purchase a blanket for your sheep, give your veterinary clinic Marietta, GA a call for assistance.

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