Main » 2014 » December » 8 » Key Factors that will Help Determine a Dog’s Lifespan
12:04 PM
Key Factors that will Help Determine a Dog’s Lifespan

Some canines have a much longer lifespan and age more slowly compared to other dogs. Here are key factors which have been identified to significantly influence a dog’s lifespan.


Small dogs generally live longer than large dogs. Their lifespan is 1.5 times that of a large dog, on average.


A dog’s breed is a significant indicator of its life expectancy. Small breeds of dogs generally live longer than large breeds.


On average female dogs have a longer lifespan than males, about 1-2 years longer depending on the dog’s breed.


Neutered dogs generally live longer than those that are intact. This may be attributed to a reduced risk of hormone-related cancer, especially involving the sex organs. Data shows that the earlier neutering is undertaken, the lower the risk of these types of cancers.

Living conditions

A complete and balanced nutrition can help a dog live longer. Other important conditions that can have an impact on a dog’s lifespan include exercise, medical attention, and environment.

Know more about your pet’s needs by consulting with your Neptune Beach vet. Click on this link to know more. 

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