Main » 2014 » August » 20 » Your Vet understands that Your Dog is an Extension of you
10:26 PM
Your Vet understands that Your Dog is an Extension of you

Surprisingly and quite interestingly for you to know, your vet DOES understand that your dog means a lot to you and affects your life every day. The fact that your dog is receiving and examination proves you are exercising good dog ownership.

Your intentions of maintaining excellent health for your dog means you are a very caring person and regards your dog as a high priority.

How you treat your dog and any medical problems it may have is a direct reflection on your abilities to care for this dog.

Negative or harmful negligence to a dog will also be apparent to the vet. Underfed, abused, or a dog that suffers fear being in the presence of its owner are also obvious to a vet, but by bringing this poorly-treated dog to the vet’s, these owners are taking their first step towards the direction of caring.

You can do more research into the dog species by using this site for the veterinary clinic Simpsonville to do it.

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