Main » 2014 » August » 31

Your dog is not confused, but rather very interested in what you just said or it is trying to make heads or tails out of why you said what you said.

That really is not confusion, your dog is trying to work out in its mind in response to whatever you just did.

Did you give your dog a new command, or make a gesture that your dog is not familiar with, or did you make a noise with your body (like a stomach growl)?

A dog who is very keen on keeping tabs on your every move and word will react this way when it is trying to figure things out, so you will have to backtrack and think, what did I just do or say.

Eventually, your dog will not have to tilt its head in deep thought, it will simply act in accordance with its own interpretation of your command or movement. In order to find out more, you can follow this link to the site of the veterinarian Love ... Read more »

Views: 460 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.31.2014 | Comments (0)