Main » 2017 » January » 23 » Your cat and her exercise needs
8:26 AM
Your cat and her exercise needs

Your cat needs your help in order to stay fit and healthy, and you need to make sure she is getting plenty of exercise in order to do this. Luckily, most cats will willingly get up and move about when the mood strikes them. However, they may need a bit of encouragement to hit the levels of activity they really need.

Exercise can happen in a few different ways for cats on their own, but there is one method in particular that is effective and fun – playtime. This time you spend together is enticing because of its enjoyment as well as the companionship it provides. However, there is also a lot of physical movement involved as well, making playtime a great way to offer her some additional exercise without her ever really realizing what is going on. Book an appointment with your local Colorado Springs, CO vet clinic for more information and advice.

Views: 489 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vets Colorado Springs CO | Rating: 5.0/1
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