Main » 2016 » April » 15 » Why Dalmatians Are Associated with the Firehouse
5:09 AM
Why Dalmatians Are Associated with the Firehouse

When you think of a firehouse, chances are, an image of a Dalmatian comes to mind. Why are Dalmatians associated with firehouses anyway?

The association goes back more than a century when fire engines were pulled by horses. Dogs can keep up with a horse’s pace and they’re very good at defending the horses and keeping other animals from spooking them. They would alert people to get out of the way and keep the horses calm when faced with the fire. Dalmatians were used with other coaches during that time period as well. The more Dalmatians you had running next to your horses, the higher your social standing.

Of course, horses no longer pull fire engines. Today, Dalmatians are mainly used and companions for the firefighters and symbols of the fire station.

Your veterinary clinic Central Jersey, NJ can provide you with more information about this unique breed.

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