Main » 2014 » December » 16 » What supplies are needed for a leopard gecko?
0:04 AM
What supplies are needed for a leopard gecko?

Every pet will come with its own unique set of needs, with leopard geckos being no exception. While they may be one of the easier lizards to care for, there needs must still be addressed from the moment they are brought home.

Before you bring a new leopard gecko into your household, there are a few things you will want to have on hand. Your new pet will need an appropriately sized aquarium with the appropriate accessories. This will include a small dome light, bedding, a dry house, cage decorations, and basking bulb. An under tank heater is necessary, and a temperature and humidity gauge can see how well the tank fits your pet’s needs. A large water bowl is also essential so that your leopard gecko can soak himself in it.

You can discuss your options for your pet with professionals at your Indianapolis vet clinic.

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