Main » 2018 » February » 25 » What Is Fatty Liver Disease In Cats?
3:08 AM
What Is Fatty Liver Disease In Cats?

The most common form of liver failure in felines is fatty liver disease. It usually affects middle-aged or overweight or obese cats. When a cat’s food intake suddenly drops or they stop eating, fats that are stored in the body are mobilized to become the substitute source of energy. But the problem is, the liver of cats are unable to handle large quantities of fat, so it is not metabolized properly and this can eventually result in liver failure. This can have a significant effect on the physiological processes of the body, considering that the liver is very important in detoxifying the body.

Symptoms of fatty liver disease in cats

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Vomiting (not always)
  • Decrease or loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Depression
  • Jaundice (about 70% of cats with fatty liver disease manifest jaundice)

A sudden change in your pet’s appetite and eating patterns warrant a visit to your best animal hospital Sale Creek, TN.

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