Main » 2017 » January » 9 » What is Degenerative Joint Disease in Balinese Cats?
4:35 AM
What is Degenerative Joint Disease in Balinese Cats?

Do you own or are you planning to own a Balinese cat? If so, make sure you talk to your vet about possible health risks involved with this particular breed of cat. Degenerative Joint Disease or DJD can affect cats of all breeds including the Balinese cat. DJD is particularly prevalent in cats that are prone to primary conditions such as arthritis and hip dysplasia. DJD is also referred to as Osteoarthritis and is a chronic condition that causes cartilage surrounding the joints to deteriorate. This is a long-term disease not to be confused with arthritis which is an inflammation of the joints. Osteoarthritis is chronic inflammation as a result of degeneration or deterioration of the entire joint. The condition may develop as a result of a more serious condition like hip dysplasia or occur as a primary condition as a result of obesity or aging. Your veterinary clinic Georgian Bay, ON can tell you more. Click here to know more details.

Views: 460 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Care center | Rating: 0.0/0
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