Main » 2014 » August » 22 » Weight Loss Regimen for your Dog
10:08 PM
Weight Loss Regimen for your Dog

A dog carrying excess pounds is prone to health problems that may endanger his life. If your canine buddy is overweight or obese, it’s time to work with your vet for a weight regimen that can effectively address your dog’s situation.

Basically, your dog will have to undergo a diet and fitness regimen, and pass specific milestones set up by your vet to ensure that he is on his way to losing the excess pounds. You will also need to bring your pooch to regular checkups so your vet can keep an eye on his progress. You can also monitor your pet’s weight every week or two.

Your pet’s exercise routine should be designed to gradually buildup in terms of time and intensity. This will give time for your dog’s body to adjust and keep up with the regimen. Overweight or obese dogs are often prone to overheating or hyperthermia as well as breathing problems.

Working with your Montgomery County veterinarian will also guarantee that your pooch is monitored regularly for any potential health concerns. Learn more on this website.

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