Main » 2014 » August » 16 » Water and Dog Nutrition
2:13 AM
Water and Dog Nutrition

Water is an essential nutrient of the body. It helps keep the body systems function at efficiently. Basically, water is required in every important physiological function of the body. 

Without adequate intake of water, your pet may develop dehydration, a condition that may end in death without prompt veterinary intervention. With sustained water deficiency, the major organs of the body will eventually shut down and death can ultimately follow.

Apart from providing access to fresh clean water, animals also get water from a healthy and balanced diet.

Some of the important benefits of water include the following:

  • Water is an essential component of living cells
  • It is a major carrier of nutrients throughout the body
  • Aids in digestion and metabolism of food
  • Keeps the body temperature stable and helps cool down the body
  • Helps eliminate body wastes via urine and feces
  • An important component in keeping the joints well-lubricated and cushioned.

Know more about your dog's nutritional needs by visiting your Eagles Landing veterinarian. Get more information by visiting the website of East Lake Veterinary Hospital.

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