Main » 2018 » February » 4 » Treating Feline Hyperthyroidism With Anti-Thyroid Medication
3:21 PM
Treating Feline Hyperthyroidism With Anti-Thyroid Medication

Many experts recommend anti-thyroid medications as the first step to take when addressing hyperthyroidism in cats. The medication, which is given once or twice a day, works by regulating thyroid hormone production. Cats with hyperthyroidism are often given anti-thyroid medication for their entire lifetime. However, the dosage is not fixed. The cat’s thyroid levels will have to be monitored with regular lab tests so the dosage can be adjusted accordingly. There are several advantages of using anti-thyroid medications; these include the following:

  • It’s the least expensive treatment option for feline hyperthyroidism
  • It is available in several forms (pill, cream, gel, or liquid) so you can choose which one is more convenient to give
  • It’s a non-invasive approach in feline hyperthyroidism treatment
  • It’s the only treatment regimen indicated for cats suffering from kidney disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

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